I have 'stolen' this from Gates Of Vienna and everyone should watch this. There is text below for those who prefer this. Thank you Baron and Dymphna!
The persecution of Christians worldwide has increased dramatically. This reign of persecution and terror comes islam, almost all of it. The global community is mostly silent just like they are when Jews or Israelis get blown up. If obama, who proclaims to be a Christian (which I do not believe) then he should be raising hell over this. After all many, many of these Christian victims are black from countries in Africa but yet he remains silent. Coming to aid of these people will do nothing for his re-election like igniting a race was over the Travon Martin case will.
At the end of this post there is a website link for The "Church In Need" and please do what you can, I have.
How many more Christians will have to die before the West and the world wake up.?
From Gates Of Vienna.
The brief report below from Spanish television describes the persecution and brutality directed against Christians and other religious minorities in Muslim countries.
Many thanks to Hermes for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling. WARNING: This video contains images of graphic violence, and may be disturbing to sensitive viewers:
For readers who prefer text, Hermes has arranged the video transcript in article format:
I warn you that the images we are about to broadcast are extremely disturbing. They show the stoning of a 15-year-old girl who maintained relations with a young man without the consent of her family. This is pure persecution and brutality coming from a Muslim country. People throw stones at the girl till she dies.
Following this, we’ll talk about religious liberty in the world. Irene Sanchez reports on this issue.
This morning the organization “Aid to the Church in Need” presented its latest report concerning religious liberty in the world, which states that nowadays 350 million people are being persecuted due to their faith or discriminated against because of their beliefs. Of those, 200 million are persecuted Christians. The reasons: radical Islamism and Christianophobia.
“Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan… countries in which religious extremism and Islamic rules dominate, are those where freedom of worship is more persecuted.” The director of “Aid to the Church in Need” commented this morning on the situation in Europe, and more specifically in Spain.
“Freedom of expression has its limits, and this limit, as Miguel Angel said before, is respect for the freedoms and beliefs of others. No one can even imagine the extreme insults and offences which are being directed ay crucifixes, at the Virgin Mary…”
The missionary Miguel Angel Ruiz has even given a piece of advice: “Europe has failed in a big way regarding this (issue), and particularly in Spain. Things will go extremely bad if they do not wake up…”
A Catholic school in Spain has been denounced because the children there were taught to pray. The school is located in Albacete, its name is “Saint Angel”, and it is a private school. As we said, it has been denounced for having taught children in a religion lesson how to pray. Well, Eduardo, have we all gone mad? Have we lost all common sense?
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1 Comments - Share Yours!:
Muslims got rid of their Jews so now they will get rid of their Christians.
When they were getting rid of their Jews, the Church was silent. So now they get silence.
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