Excellent article by one of the most knowledgeable and highly respected anti-terrorism experts we have, Steve Emerson. The time for such a Domestic Anti-Radicalization program is LONG overdue.
Emerson's website, The Investigative Project On Terrorism is one of the best sites you can go to for counter terrorism information concentrating on radical islam and sharia law. He was one of the first people to step up andd start calling out islam and sharia law for it was and still is- a radical political ideology used to trap, enslave people into radical islamist thinking and waging acts of terror against any and all who oppose the establishment of islam.
From Family Security Matters.
Time for a Domestic Anti-Radicalization Program
By Steve Emerson
The U.S. Central Command has a new rapid-response team which uses information, rather than weapons, to combat terrorism, the New York Times recently reported.
Hunting down conspiracy theories and bogus reports on Middle East websites, media outlets and in the social media sphere, the Digital Engagement Team works at "containing lies, misinformation or just misperceptions" about American policy and military actions.
Meanwhile, over at the State Department, America's top diplomatic arm is running a companion program targeting young Muslims throughout the world who might be vulnerable to an extremist message.
Those international efforts seem to be working, the story indicates. If that's the case, it is time to consider a third program aimed at undercutting domestic radicalization. But instead, authorities are ignoring a major threat that leads to terrorism right here in our backyard. They are not doing enough to sideline Islamist groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and others who propagate the false "war on Islam" narrative.
It is a narrative that has proven to radicalize. But instead of aggressively pushing back, the White House, members of Congress and law enforcement routinely engage in "outreach" with these groups, attending their fundraisers and speaking at their meetings. This approach grants legitimacy to groups openly hostile toward American law enforcement and political objectives, shoving aside emerging Muslim voices which take a different approach.
This is especially evident with the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). During the summer, MPAC Washington, D.C. director Haris Tarin attended the White House Iftar Dinner, President Obama's 9/11 Memorial at the Kennedy Center, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's Eid ul-Fitr reception at the State Department, which was planned to commemorate the conclusion of the month of Ramadan.
On July 13, President Obama even called Tarin personally to commend him for his and MPAC's work with the Muslim American community and the nation as a whole.
MPAC has also enjoyed a great deal of engagement in its home city of Los Angeles. There, MPAC routinely links up with the LA Sheriff's Department, with which the group has developed a joint counter-terrorism organization and also a cultural awareness training video for law enforcement officers. LA City Council President Eric Garcetti and the Rev. Jeff Carr, Chief of Staff for Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, have also interacted with the group, most recently at an MPAC press conference in May called to present a unified front on support for the death of Usama bin Laden.
MPAC is rewarded despite pushing the "war on Islam" narrative for years and declaring prosecutions of alleged terrorists and their financiers as unjust and unfairly targeting Muslims. Recent months have seen a revival in the organization's public condemnation of U.S. government policies.
It took issue with the targeting of radical American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed Sept. 30 by a U.S. drone strike in Yemen for his role as an al-Qaida ideologue and facilitator of attacks against Americans. MPAC rejected Awlaki's message of violence in a news article on the matter, but challenged "the killing of an American citizen without a trial and due process."
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