Here are a few videos that are excellent. First one is from Answering Muslims, The Islamoblog of Acts 17 Apologetics. The other three are from Securefreedom.
The Daily Catch Videos for 12-8-2011:
Jihad Awareness Month.
After complaints from Muslim organizations, the Obama Administration is eliminating all counter-Jihad training in the U.S. government.
Cynthia Farahat: Jihad & the War on Egypt's Coptic Christians
Egyptian political activist Cynthia Farahat testifies before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the House of Representatives. Reps. Frank Wolf and James McDermott presented "Under Threat: The Worsening Plight of Egypt's Coptic Christians." Other witnesses included Kathy Fitzpatrick (Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, U.S. Department of State); Nina Shea (Director, Center for Religious Freedom, Hudson Institute); Dina Guirguis (Member, Egyptian American Rule of Law Association); Adel Guindy (President, Coptic Solidarity International); and Raymond Ibrahim (Middle East specialist and Associate fellow, Middle East Forum).
Raymond Ibrahim: Shariah, Dhimmitude & the Copts
Cynthia Farahat to Obama: Stop Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood
Hearing on homegrown terror threat
Thanks to Vlad Tepes for the last video.
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