
An Open Letter to Pamela Geller(Updated)

The list of sites has been updated from  Gate Of Vienna that support the EDL and what Baron and Dymphna put up in dfense of the EDL. See Below

I am NOT going to post Ms.Geller's letter here as I find disgusting and completely inexcusable. The link to her letter is here if you want to read it. The EDL are true English patriots and deserve the support of those in England and beyond. The EDL certainly does not deserve to be bashed by someone like Geller. This is exactly the type of thing that can do horrendous damage to the counterjihad movement on a global scale. I suggest you read the letter that Geller wrote and see this for yourself. You will find Patriot's Corner on the list below. If anyone has any doubts about this site, get over them now. Patriot's Corner is and always will be COUNTERJIHAD

I am posting this right from Gates Of Vienna because Baron has said what needed to be said about this much better than I ever could. He kept it polite and in bounds and I am not so sure I could have done so. I will just leave it at that. An apology is in order and this is a must. 

Here is the excellent letter from Gates of Vienna! 

Thank you Baron for all your excellent work!


An Open Letter to Pamela Geller
By Baron Boddisey

As most readers already know, earlier today Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs posted a prominent repudiation of the English Defence League, including references to their alleged infiltration by “neo-fascists”.

A group of Counterjihad bloggers and writers has joined together to publish this open letter to Ms. Geller. Most of us are Europeans, but not all — we also have signatories from the United States, Canada, and Australia.

If you are a blogger or a writer and want to add your signature to this letter, please send your name and URL to me (unspiek [at] chromatism [dot] net), or to the proprietors of other sites where it has been posted.

Update (9:13pm EDT): Two more signatories have been added to the list. (12:35am 7/1) One more added. (12:49am) Added another. (1:16am EDT) Added one more.

Dear Ms. Geller,

We the undersigned are writing to register our astonishment and dismay at your public denunciation of the English Defence League, and in particular your reference to the “neo-fascists that had infiltrated the administration of the group”.

This is a grossly inaccurate and unfair slander against the leaders and membership of the EDL, who have never wavered in their refusal to include neo-Nazis, fascists, or adherents of any other ideology that seeks to divide people based on their ethnicity. The core mission of the EDL has always been, and remains, to stop the encroachment of sharia and Islamic fascism.

For the past two years the English Defence League has been on the front lines of the resistance to sharia and militant Islam in England. Its leaders have put their own lives in danger by doing so. They live under constant threat, not just from murderous Muslim zealots, but from their own government, which has harassed and arrested them repeatedly. Tommy Robinson, the leader of the EDL, has been arrested multiple times, and is currently facing trumped-up charges designed to put him and the EDL out of action.

To paraphrase Geert Wilders: “I was dragged to court by leftist and Islamic organizations that were bent not only on silencing me but on stifling public debate.” The EDL is being dragged into a kangaroo court of uninformed public opinion. The more people’s fears can be raised, the more quickly debate can be smothered.

In the final analysis, as Geert Wilders points out, the strength of our community depends on the freedom we feel to “enter our convictions in the open lists to win or lose”.

All communities inevitably experience conflicts based on differences of opinion. It is crucial that we approach one another’s efforts in good faith, presume the other’s efforts to be well-meaning until conclusively proven otherwise, support initiatives made by others that further our common cause, and refuse to be dragged into parsing ever more finely our differences.

Our ideal of the “perfect” can kill any merely “good enough” effort.

Your unfortunate statements were picked up and repeated by other websites and blogs, some of them quite prominent and well-respected. This has done harm to our common cause, and has driven a completely needless wedge between the American and European wings of the international Counterjihad.

To help heal the damage that has been done, we insist that you apologize in a public forum to the English Defence League.

Its leaders and members are heroes, and their organization is widely considered a beacon of hope in Europe. All Europeans who resist the Islamization of their countries look to the EDL for inspiration, and all of them stand in solidarity with it in its struggle.

We strongly request that you reconsider your deplorable words and withdraw them.

Sincerely yours,

An excellent rebuttal to these ridiculous charges can be found here at Sabrepoint:

Roberta Moore and the Sliming of the English Defence League: The True Facts Here

5 Comments - Share Yours!:

Stogie said...

Thanks for posting a link to my article! Nice blog here.

Anonymous said...

The EDL is the only grassroots movement in the West that is against the destruction of Western civilisation. It is the only one that has the courage to go out on the streets, even into Muslim areas, and face the hostility and violence of Muslims, Left wing extremists, the police and the media. There is nothing like it in the West. There are now movements in the West that have modelled themselves on the EDL.

Spencer and Geller, though excellent in what they do, and they are good, do not compare to the boots on the ground that the EDL can furnish. It is not afraid to confront forces allied against it, regardless of the danger.

Its not surprising that many want to get into the leadership of the EDL one way or the other, or get it to associate with some of their own objectives.

The EDL is way above and beyond the likes of single bloggers such as Geller and Spencer, good though in what they do, or for that matter any blogs. The EDL does not need to apologise or explain itself - its very being and what it does, is more then enough. The rest is immaterial. It does not need to have an apology from Spencer or Geller, as it is far bigger, stronger, and motivated enough to step on to the real battlefield, rather then merely bemoan the Islamisation of the West - they are real soldiers, who get bloodied and injured, rather then armchair commentators on the passing scene.

The EDL, first and foremost stands in defence of the UK, and the West as a whole. If the EDL supports Israel, then all to the good, but that is a secondary matter.

My hat off to the EDL. Support it, as your life, and the lives of your descendants, depends on these few.

1389 said...

1389 Blog (USA) is also on the list. Rolling updates are at the original article.

This reminds me way too much of the garbage that went on at Little Green Footballs in late 2007, in which CJ began his radical left turn by smearing the entire counterjihad with accusations of neo-Nazism. I was one of the first to be banned, which I consider to be a badge of honor!

PatriotUSA said...

Stogie, you are most welcome. You like cigars I take it and that surely helps in my house! Great rebuttal you did and that is why I included it here.

PatriotUSA said...

1389, yes it surely does and CJ banned me not once but three times,and this does smack of perhaps the same stench from 2007. There was a battle over the ORIGINAL SIOA group that was rather sad as well. Again, no need for me to bring that up in detail as it involves other people I am very fond of and would give my life for to protect them. same as I how i feel about Baron and Dymphna.