Sheriff Baca has been mentioned before here and not in any complimentary way. This dhimmi stooge might have well been Hitler's hand maiden and I wonder if he reaches out to other groups like the Jews of Los Angeles Country, or the Sikhs or those poor persecuted Christians. Usually persecuted and killed at the hands of rabid muslims filled with hatred for people of the book as they are called in islam and the qur'an.
So fine citizens of L.A., where is your outrage at this low handed stunt? Why has there not been a recall started a long time ago against such a traitor as Baca. There is nothing worse than a pandering islamist moron like Baca who sees nothing but the peace filled lies from muslims. That is called Taiqiyya, Sheriff Baca. Look it up. It is all about authorized lying and being deceitful to us infidels and kafirs. That is sanctioned and allowed in islam and taqiyya is also ENCOURAGED by the imams and preached in the terrorist centers, mosques every week.
Great post is below and this is from The United West which is a great site and has been added to the blogroll.
LA Sheriff’s Muslim Community Affairs Unit Is A Civil Rights Lawsuit Waiting To Happen
Is the LA Sheriff Department illegally funding a Muslim “community” Program with FEDERAL tax dollars?
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Sheriff Leroy Baca |
The United West “Strike Team” attended a Sheriff Baca Town Hall meeting at the Islamic Center of Los Angeles. Yes, you read that correctly, THE… Islamic Center of Los Angeles. This is the same one that was founded by a protege’ of Hassan al Banna.
Who is Hassan al Banna, you may ask? Well…he started a little Egyptian “boy scout” club called al-ʾIḫwān al-Muslimūn – the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.
Watch this investigative video
By Alan Kornman
On Sunday, May 15, 2011 the Islamic Center of Southern California (ICSC) hosted a Community Town Hall Meeting led by the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).
The LA County Sheriff’s Emergency Operations Bureau – Muslim Community Affairs Unit (MCAU), a taxpayer funded entity, was the presenting agency. The MCAU’s mission is: “build a stronger relationship with the Muslim community to build cooperation with law enforcement.”
Muslim is not a race. Muslims are merely followers of Shariah Islam. The MCAU is a taxpayer funded religious group operating inside the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department at the behest of Sheriff Leroy Baca. Civil Rights Lawyer’s may argue the MCAU violates the Establishment Clause mandate of government neutrality toward religion.
Steve Whitmore, LASD Senior Media Advisor, confirmed the Muslim Community Affairs Unit receives taxpayer funds approximating $128,400 per year for two full time Deputies. When this reporter asked Mr. Whitmore if any other , religions, had a LASD Community Affairs Unit and received equal taxpayer funds, Whitmore replied, “There are no other religious Community Affairs Units in the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department.”
For the LASD to meet the Establishment Clause threshold for “government neutrality toward religion” Sheriff Baca would have two options. First, Sheriff Baca would have to establish and manage Community Affairs Units with two Deputies and a $128,400 budget, for each recognized religion under his jurisdiction. The second option would be to dismantle the Muslim Community Affairs Unit in accordance with the Establishment Clause.
In 2006, Sheriff Baca established The Muslim American Homeland Security Congress (MAHSC), a non-profit organization. This was done with the help of the Council on American Islamic Relations, Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, Muslim Public Affairs Council, and the Muslim American Society. Many of these groups have connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, as established in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation terrorist funding trial. The Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Center of Southern California will be the focus of an upcoming documentary to be released in the very near future.
Sheriff Leroy Baca, also started the Young Muslim American Leaders Group (YMALG) to engage and educate young Muslim professionals in the Los Angeles Area. Steve Whitmore said the YMALG and MAHSC are not taxpayer funded and managed by volunteers. Whitmore however, would not divulge who these volunteers are or what groups they represent.
The MCAU has another function, “The unit also trains department members about Islam and Muslims, touching on issues such as religious beliefs and customs. Academy recruits also receive a two-hour class on Muslim cultures and background as part of the cultural awareness training program.” A program tasked with teaching Shariah Compliant Islamic values to incoming police recruits, while excluding the values of every other religion in Los Angeles County.
In 2007, Sheriff Baca formed the LA Sheriffs Muslim Community Affairs Unit (MCAU). In an interview with the Religious News Service, Sheriff Baca articulated the mission for the MAHSC and MCAU
What’s the philosophy behind the Muslim community outreach efforts?
Baca: Police need all the help they can get. When you have deputy sheriffs who are Muslims, and the Muslim community can identify with them, then it makes the Muslim community feel protected.
What progress have the community outreach efforts achieved so far?
Baca: The Muslim community trusts the sheriff’s department. Successful law enforcement requires that the public trust law enforcement. And you’re not going to get the public’s trust if you’re not going to trust the public.
The FBI broke off contact with the Council of American-Islamic Relations last year, while you’ve stayed in touch. Why are you right and the FBI wrong on this?
Baca: It would be like saying, “We found an extremist in Los Angeles and no one told us about him, so we’re going to cut ourselves off from the entire Muslim society.” You can’t do that at a local law enforcement level. If there’s a problem with crime-plotting, you have to get closerto the environment, not further. And if they think CAIR is out cavorting with extremists, then it behooves them to be more involved with CAIR.
Sheriff Baca has overreached his authority, states Carrie Storm. Muslims are people who practice the religion of Islam. Islam is a religious group, just like Christians, Jews, Buddhists, etc… The LA Sheriff’s Department violates the Constitution by creating special privileged treatment of Muslims over all other religious groups. The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion but prohibits establishing a preference for any religion. Taxpayer funds spent to promote the interests of any religious group over another is prohibited through the ‘establishment clause’ in the US Constitution.
A 2008 Pew Research Center survey reveals the citizens of California are 42% various Christian denominations, 31% Roman Catholic Christians, 2% Jewish, 2% Latter Day Saints,
and 1% Muslim. The rest of the citizens are either non religious or of other minority faiths.
“According to the latest hate crime report from the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations, 88 percent of all religiously based hate crimes in 2009 were against Jews. Hate crimes that targeted Muslims (3 percent) ranked slightly above those directed at Scientologists (1 percent). In fact, the commission found that attacks against Christians (8 percent) outnumbered attacks against Muslims.” It could be argued statistically, that if any religion needs a LA Sheriff’s special religious Community Affairs Unit, it’s the Jews and Christians not the Muslims.
Terry Sanderson states, “if there is one public service that absolutely must be secular it is the police force. There should be not one whisper of sectarianism in the force and all this talk of Muslim police officers must stop. They are police officers who are Muslim, but when they are at work they must be simply police officers full stop. They must serve the whole community without fear or favor. This goes also for police officers who are Christian, Hindu, Atheist or indifferent.”
Sanderson goes on to say, “if bridges are to be built between the Muslim community and the police, it should be non-Muslim officers who should do it, to demonstrate that the police force in its entirety can be trusted, not just those who happen to share the Muslim religion.”
These religious sub-groups within the police are deeply undesirable and rather than encouraging them, the police hierarchy should start the process of dismantling them.
Sheriff Baca’s, Muslim Community Affairs Unit is a civil rights abuse lawsuit waiting to happen. Contact LA City Council President Eric Garcetti Phone: 213-473-7013 Email: and California Attorney General’s Office, Civil Rights Division, (800) 952-5225 to file a complaint.
Freedom and Liberty are fragile gifts from our founding fathers that each U.S. citizen must be forever vigilant protecting.
Alan Kornman
The United West-Uniting Western Civilization for Freedom and Liberty
Regional Coordinator
One Team, One Fight!
We have a question for the citizens of California…
Hat tip: Bare Naked Islam
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