
The newest weapon in fighting islam!

Canned bacon is back!

A great gift for those pesky islamists, islamonazis, radical terrorist muslims next door, First muslim POTUS, send a gift box to the mosque in your town, or down the street.

Yoder's canned bacon!

Order this great product today. Send a special package to the White House.

You can order this here.

On a serious note, I have tried this product out and it is very good. You would never know it was from a can if you did not see the can yourself. Great survival, camping or just eating at home vittles.

3 Comments - Share Yours!:

Findalis said...

I would but it isn't kosher. Just might order some as a gift for Congressman Ellison. Do you think he would like it?

PatriotUSA said...

A perfect gift for ellison except that I am not sure he is worth the expense. I am sure ellison would 'enjoy' this so much he would let his buddies at CAIR,
MSA,ISNA, MSA know all about it!

Always On Watch said...

We should flood CAIR's offices with this product!