
The Daily catch Videos for 4-6-2011: Japan 'tsunami dog', islam at its finest and more.

Japan 'tsunami dog' Ban reunited with owner after surviving at sea

Tommy Robinson Sends Anti Nazi Message At Blackburn Demo – ‘Nazis Jog On!’

One of islam's finest moments:

Death to the USA

Father of 9/11 Hero's Powerful Reaction to AG Holder's Announcement on Military Tribunals

Glenn Beck: Protesters in Afghanistan Chant "Death to America" After Friday Prayers

Flight of the Dudettes

Michael Coren weighs in on Pastor Jones Koran burning. From Vlad Tepes

This, is what I call perspective.

Thank you very much Michael. You have been one of the very few intelligent and clear voices on these matters on Canadian TV, or any TV for that matter, for some time now.

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