
The Daily Catch Videos for 4-18-2011: Stop coal with your underwear, libtards on parade and so much more..

Just when we think they cannot get any worse, more stupidly brainwashed than they already are, we catch them at their 'worst, best', well you decide.

"Expose Coal" underwear flash mob

Silly college kids who should learn a bit more about real life

Oh, college students.They’ll use just about anything as an excuse to take off their clothes. We’ll give them this one, though, because this bunch of barely-legals is stripping down for a good cause: Raising awareness about the harm coal mining — and coal-powered universities — can do to the environment. The anti-coal undies were designed by organic-clothing designer PACT, and 10 percent of the proceeds goes to helping the Sierra Club find coal-free solutions. The boys and girls gone wild were provided by the Sierra Club Student Coalition. Hey, it works for PETA.

Instead of “raising awareness,” they should try living without power. They’d be really upset when their beer was warm and they couldn’t dance drunk/drugged to all the lights and music powered by….coal!

Stolen from Pirate's Cove. Arrgghhhh.

Libtards on parade.

These next two are particularly insulting and try that around me and I will use your face to scrub out my toilet.

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