
The Daily Catch Videos for 4-15-2011: ShariaAmerica, refuting the lies about DDT and much more.

This first video is a MUST WATCH!!!!!!!!!

Idiots in Australia harass Jewish speaker from Israel in Auckland.
The typical hate speech from those who truly hate.

From Daphne Anson's site: Daphne Anson

Here is another one from Daphne's site:

Refuting the claims that DDT is so evil and I know something about pesticides and herbicides as I have worked with them for over 40 years.

Cameron on immigration in England. Sounds really good but.....

muslims in Denmark join Al Shabab.

From Logan's Warning: Part two of NYC “Peace” Leader Calls for Militant Movement & The Islamicnake~ VIDEO!~

When we left off in the “Islamic Rally Takes Downtown NYC! Sharia Enforced, Christians Booted!!~ Exclusive Interview” article, I mentioned that the call for a militant “peace” movement, and the Islamicnake that slithers across downtown NYC.

In the last video of that article, the final Muslim speaker introduced Sara Flounders, “life of the peace movement in the city”, founding member of United National Anti-war Committee. Listen as the “peacemaker” unbelievably calls for a militant movement!

Seems like a real sweetie pie…

That was the militant segment of this article, now watch the Islamicnake as it slithers out of it’s cage! Unfortunately, THIS reptile is huge…

(There is another 6 minutes to this video. I will post it tomorrow in Part III.)

The first hate-filled, pro-Islamic rally was just half of the day’s double-feature. Part II began as they slithered less than 2 miles away down to Foley Square. Here was the later scene from Foley Square:

As you can clearly see, we have a struggle on our hands. This fight we CAN and WILL win as YOU enlist more patriots to fight for our side by spreading the word!

Stay tuned for one more installment to this “Rally” series. Tomorrow: “Busing Them In & Burqa City”.

Here is Part Three: ~ Busing Them In Burqa NYCity ~

This article is the third installment of the “Islamic Rally Takes Downtown NYC! Sharia Enforced, Christians Booted!!~ Exclusive Interview”, 3-part series.

Chilling is just how organized those that wish to destroy America from within are! As the rally was going on, I was circling the throng of people from the outside. I observed more “stop ‘Islamophobia’” signs being laid in stacks on the sidewalk, brought out from a yellow bus.

Like the UK, Islam is creeping into our country as well. This is more evidence of why we need a massive call to END Muslim immigration. The less Islam that’s here in America, the better!

I bid you farewell for now with praying outside in public on the streets.

How much longer until they are blocking off the sidewalks in NYC like they do in other major cities in Europe?!

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