
The Daily Catch Videos for 4-10-2011: Homosexuals burned alive in Iraq and much more...

Here is the TDC for tomorrow or today as I better use our computer while I can. One videos I cannot get an embed for so I have just posted the link. I apologize if some of you have watched some these already.


Islamic Barbarism: Gays Burned Alive in Iraq : From Islam Watch

The Video is also here, in arabic. :http://zandiq.com/video/0000000047.shtml

The Palestinian Wall of Lies A short film by the David Horowitz Freedom Center that uncovers the lies of "Israel Apartheid Week"

"Wall of Lies" - Israel's Security Barrier

Love expressed only as radical arabs can.

The Video The Muslims Don't Want You To See!!

White powder sent to Allen West's office.

The men who committed this evil crime have been convicted and sentenced. They should be executed. If they are ever released, they will just return to their brainwashed, islamic, sharia way of life. Read more at the UK Daily Mail.

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