
Back up to two computers: Posts will be multiple late tonight after more testing...

The ill computer has returned after almost a full week of punishing burn ins and working as a server for Black Ops and other war games as part of the testing that our local computer geeks put our very ill computer through. The damn thing handled up to 20 players at once with ZERO issues all week, no blue screens of death, not ONE error message since the installation on new memory strips and some other tweaks. They cautiously released the computer back to me and I am running additional tests per their request before I start using it later on tonight. If any problems come up as before, we get a complete and total NEW computer with the best components out there. We agreed to shoot this computer together with my 'new' .38 Super I just traded for. So, crossing fingers and will see if how this works out, this time.

I cannot even begin to catch up on old news so I will start with some op/eds on politics, the worst potus ever(obuma makes Bill Clinton look great!), the mullah in the White House and then hit hard on islam and sharia law. Always expect the unusual and off beat here on occasion, here at Patriot's Corner!

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