
Will obama use the same tactics on Israel he is using on Libya?

I and many others that I know have often wondered and are of the school of thought that obama would not hesitate to attack Israel under the 'correct circumstances'. Think that this too far out from left field or a really crazy, moronic way to think? Apparently Frank Gaffney has given this scenario quite a bit of thought and analysis. Mr. Gaffney wrote the article that follows below on just this scenario. Keep in mind who obama has appointed in many key positions and that most of these people have hated Israel for many, many years. clinton, rice, powers, are just three that come to mind quickly for me. I do not see this as too far fetched or out of bounds for a rotten, Jew hating, Israel loathing potus like obama. If that offends you then you need to be over at code pinko, j street or huffy po.

BTW, just a reminder that I refuse to capitalize the names of arab countries, obama or those that support his agenda. I have no respect for these people or organizations.

This is from Big Peace.


The Gaddafi Precedent
By Frank Gaffney

What I find particularly concerning is the prospect that what we might call the Qaddafi Precedent will be used in the not-to-distant future to justify and threaten the use of U.S. military forces against an American ally: Israel.

Here’s how such a seemingly impossible scenario might eventuate:

It begins with the Palestinian Authority seeking a UN Security Council resolution that would recognize its unilateral declaration of statehood. The U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, one of the prime-movers behind the resolution that authorized the use of force against Gaddafi and a vehement critic of Israel, urges that the United States abstain, rather than veto the Palestinians’ gambit. She is joined in that recommendation by a kindred spirit at the Obama National Security Council, Senior Director for Multilateral Affairs Samantha Power, and by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose unalloyed sympathy for the Palestinian cause dates back at least to her days as First Lady.

This resolution enjoys the support of the other four veto-wielding Security Council members – Russia, China, Britain and France – as well as the all of the other non-permanent members except India, which joins the United States in abstaining. As a result, it is adopted with overwhelming support from what is known as the “international community.”

Suddenly, substantial numbers of Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Israeli citizens are on the wrong side of internationally recognized borders. The Palestinian Authority (PA) insists on its longstanding position: Its state must be (to use Hitler’s term for ethnic cleansing) judenrein – requiring the removal of all Jews from the sovereign territory of Palestine. And, thanks to the international affirmation of the so-called 1967 borders, the PA’s Mahmoud Abbas and Company need no longer accede to one of the anticipated solutions of the “peace process,” i.e., the relinquishing by Israel of territory in the Negev, so as to accommodate the permanent presence of Jewish communities (a.k.a. “settlements”) on land claimed by the Palestinians.

For its part, Israel refuses to evacuate the oft-condemned “settlements” on Palestinian land or to remove the IDF personnel, checkpoints and facilities it rightly sees as vital to protecting their inhabitants and, for that matter, the Jewish State itself.

Hamas, which controls Gaza, seizes this moment to forge a united front with Abbas’ Fatah. The latter, of course, runs the Palestinian Authority on the West Bank of the Jordan River. It is the faction that has – with considerable help from Israel and U.S.-trained and -armed security forces – managed on the West Bank largely to keep a lid on its rivals for power, Hamas. But whatever their differences on the tactics of how to destroy Israel (Iran-backed Hamas seeks to do so with violence as soon as possible; Fatah has long pursued a two-phase strategy: first, induce Israel to relinquish territory through the peace process, then use that land as the launching pad to “drive the Jews into the sea”), the ultimate objective is precisely the same: judenrein throughout the Middle East.

The unified Palestinian proto-government then seeks international help to “liberate” their land. As with the Gaddafi Precedent, the first to act is the Arab League. Its members unanimously endorse the use of force to protect the “Palestinian people” and end the occupation of the West Bank by the Israelis.

Turkey, which is technically still a NATO ally despite its ever-more-aggressive embrace of Islamism, joins forces with Britain and France, applaud this initiative in the interest of promoting “peace.” They call on the UN Security Council to authorize such steps as might be necessary to enforce the Arab League’s bidding.

Once again, Team Obama’s leading ladies – Mesdames Clinton, Power and Rice – align to support the “will of the international community.” They exemplify, and are prepared to enforce, the President’s willingness to subordinate U.S. sovereignty to the dictates of transnationalism and his hostility towards Israel. They appeal to his sense of history and his oft-expressed sympathy for the Palestinian right to a homeland to trump his political advisors’ concerns about alienating Jewish voters on the eve of the 2012 election.

Accordingly, hard as it may be to believe given the United States’ longstanding role as Israel’s principal ally and protector, Mr. Obama acts, in accordance with the Gaddafi Precedent. He warns Israel that it must immediately take steps to dismantle its presence inside the internationally recognized State of Palestine lest it face U.S.-enabled “coalition” military measures aimed at neutralizing IDF forces on the West Bank – and beyond, if necessary – in order to fulfill the will of the international community.

Unfortunately, such steps will not result in the ostensibly desired end-game, namely “two states living side by side in peace and security.” If the current attack on Libya entails the distinct possibility of unintended (or at least unforeseen) consequences, application of the Gaddafi Precedent to Israel seems certain to produce a very different outcome than the two-state “solution”: Under present and foreseeable circumstances, it will unleash a new regional conflagration, with possible worldwide repercussions.

For one thing, the mere fact that the United States is no longer seen as guaranteeing Israel’s security would probably prove a sufficient inducement to war for those like Iran, Syria, Hezbollah’s Lebanon and Hamas’ Gaza itching to finish the job of eliminating the hated “Zionist entity” in their midst. The same might well prove to be the case for other states in the region if, as seems likely, the Muslim Brotherhood fills yawning vacuums of power in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen and possibly Saudi Arabia and Libya.

How much more irresistible would such temptation be if the United States were actually raining down cruise missiles on Israeli targets in the West Bank, as it has done on Libyan ones at the behest of the Arab League and UN Security Council? Suffice it to say, Israel’s back would surely be against the wall in short order, facing the sort of existential threat it has not known since 1973 and that most Israelis only expected to eventuate when the Iranian mullahs at last got the Bomb. Under such circumstances, we must expect that Israel would employ its own nuclear forces, with devastating and unknowable consequences.

Needless to say, I hope the Gaddafi Precedent 1.0 will work out better than seems likely to be the case in Libya. Even more importantly, I am praying that Barack Obama and his anti-Israel troika of female advisors will not take us all down a road that seems ripe for another, ominous application of this precedent, with truly horrific repercussions – for Israel, for the United States and for freedom-loving people elsewhere. A Congress that was effectively sidelined by Team Obama in the current crisis had better engage fully, decisively and quickly if it is to head off such a disastrous reprise.

9 Comments - Share Yours!:

Findalis said...

There is one group that this article doesn't take into account: The Military.

It is their assessment that will give the final thumbs up or down regardless of what the 3 witches want.

Israel is NOT a 10-day pushover. It has a highly trained, highly equipped, battle-hardened military. Able to do what Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan is not able to do: Attack the US shipping and knock US planes from the sky.

The question that would be given to Obama and his bitches is this: "How many American lives are you willing to risk?"

PatriotUSA said...

Very true, Findalis and that is an
excellent point. So many people forget this fact about Israel's military and how capable and advanced they are. Thanks for tying
this in and thinking about this,
someone like Gaffney should have mentioned this.

HermitLion said...

Call me a crazed idealist, but I find it hard to believe that normal American and Israeli soldiers would be able to attack each other with the intent to kill. Yes, the career generals can give the order, but would the common grunt pull the trigger, in the name of Obama and the Democrats?

Would you?

Findalis said...

You forget that the first wave of attacks will be by air and sea.

Israeli pilots will fight until their death to protect the skies and their people. Fight like wild animals if they have to. For the result of failure is the destruction of their nation, the raping of their wives and daughters, the deaths of their sons.

US pilots don't have the same incentive to fight. Their families are not on the line, they will not fight as fiercely or with the same passion.

The biggest difference between Iraqi, Afghanistan or Libyan forces and the IDF os that Israelis do not fight for a leader, but for their nation. Arabs fight for their leader or tribe, NEVER for their nation. That is why Arab can be easily conquered and why they haven't been able to conquer Israel.

And why the US would have a bloodbath on its hands if it tries.

HermitLion said...

Do you think so low of your armed forces, that you believe them to be nothing but automatons? Mercenaries to unleash on whomever a corrupt politician decides?
Does a pilot have no heart, no soul? Did the crews of ships enlist so they can murder American allies, when they know well who the real enemies?
Would they commit to strikes against the UK, or Texas, without a quickly growing resentment?
Would their families at home approve? What about the Christians - would they damn their souls by following the orders of Satan?

If all these were true, the liberals wouldn't be working so hard to undermine the army with affirmative action, and the promotion of career generals.

But career generals can't fly airplanes.

Findalis said...

Troops will follow orders or they end up in the brig. If the choice is jail and your family on the streets or fight an ally, you will fight (reluctantly). I see thousands of casualties on both sides, and thousands of US POWs. Men who choose surrender to fighting an ally.

HermitLion said...

Where exactly did you bring "family on the streets" from? And do you not realize that death is usually worse than sitting some time in jail? Not to mention, again, that nobody can put the whole army in jail, and American soldiers have this 'annoying' tendency to have a conscience. Their willingness to put their own lives at risk with absurd rules of engagement, rather than erase villages, and butcher civilians indiscriminately, proves it again and again.

Even in tiny Israel, the government had to bring in Arab, Druze, and Slavic thugs to attack settlers, because they couldn't rely on the military following political orders.

I can also assure you that any American soldier who would choose to surrender, will be treated very warmly by Israelis. When facing the option of a violent Death in a war you don't believe in, or a nice meal and good rest, guess what wins.

But all this debate is a non-issue, because for an American president, the political risks of conducting a military campaign against Israel, are simply not worth the effort.
Especially when it is completely redundant, compared to the alternative that all western leaders have adopted long ago: bribe, coerce, threaten, and push Israeli leaders into submission.

So, until a US government manages to successfully replaces most Americans with muslims and Mexican outlaws, this remains a very nice fantasy, but nothing more.

Findalis said...

I don't know where you assume that US troops won't follow orders? The majority of them will grumble, will gripe, but will go to war. With any organized mutany, the ringleaders will be punished and the careers of the rest of the troops will be virtually over.

Under the War Powers Act, the President has 90 days from the time he sends troops in to inform Congress. 90 days is a lot of time to do what you want to.

So once again I ask:

"How many American deaths will be acceptable to the US media, and people before they scream ENOUGH?"

For in a battle like this, the death toll on both sides could be in the thousands.

HermitLion said...

I didn't assume anything. I said I'd like to think that American soldiers aren't bumbling idiots that you point at a target and shoot, but if that's your opinion of them, then too bad.

Still, we have real enemies, and real threats to deal with. Our energy is better spent on them, otherwise, we might as well discuss the death toll from the martian invasion, which can amount to millions, considering the little green guys use gauss cannons and plasma accelerators.