
Orange County Human Relations Commission to Honor Muzammil Siddiqi

Gary Fouse

The Orange County Human Relations Commission, led by an empty suit named Rusty Kennedy, is once again showing what a bunch of politically-correct hypocrites they are. This white elephant agency, which has been sucking up about $300,000 a year from the OC tax-payers, has shown over and over again that their idea of fighting hate is quite selective.

Here are some items to consider:

1 Anti-Jewish hate speech at UC Irvine. In 2008, I wrote to Kennedy complaining about anti-Semitic hate speech at UC-Irvine, where I work. I also harshly criticized the university for not addressing the issue. Kennedy wrote back lambasting me for daring to criticize the university.

2 On March 10, Kennedy and his apparatchiks held a meeting (They meet once a month) and later issued a report criticizing in broad general terms the people who held a protest event at the Islamic Circle of North America dinner on February 13 in Yorba Linda, when some hecklers showed up to chant at the dinner attendees when they arrived-something the organizers and speakers at the protest had not sanctioned in any way. The OCHRC said not a word about the reason for the protest-the presence of two radical featured speakers, Amir Abdel Malik Ali and Siraj Wahhaj. They basically did the bidding of CAIR.

3 Now we learn that the OCHRC is going to hold their 40th anniversary gala in which they will honor Imam Muzammil Siddiqi, a former head of the Islamic Society of North America, a man who, in the 1990s, actually hosted the so-called (and now imprisoned) Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdel Rahman, at his mosque in Orange County and actually interpreted his words as he gave a sermon on (violent) Jihad.


Siddiqi, to be sure, is one of those who foster an image of moderation. He is accepted into the highest political circles and participates in those interfaith dialogues we hear all about. A couple of years back, I attended one at Chapman University and listened to his double talk. Hit him with a hard question and he does a tap dance. Yet, he is on record as envisioning the day when shariah law will govern the world. This is the Investigative Project on Terrorism entry for Siddiqi:


That is the man the OCHRC is honoring on May 5th. It is outrageous.

But hardly surprising.

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