
America and the Middle East food riots: American Thinker

Yesterday(seems like much longer to me, lack of sleep)I had an article about the useless bio fuel product, ethanol and how it had contributed to what we are watching steam roll over the Middle East. I just finished reading this over at American Thinker and it dove tails nicely into my recent post on the same subject. This reinforces how useless and costly the entire ethanol program has been, is and will continue to be until it gets repealed or overturned. How many people could have been fed with all that corn getting wasted in our gas tanks?

Where are all the human rights organizations crying foul against this idiotic and wasteful program? If we were starving terrorists then maybe, just maybe I might be slightly better about this, but we are not.

America and the Middle East Food Riots
By Steve McCann

Perhaps the most overused but most accurate term used to describe the policies and ideology of the American left is the "Law of Unintended Consequences." There is virtually nothing that these people espouse that, once put in place, has not had detrimental effects on either the people of the United States or the world.

Today there is a global food shortage and skyrocketing prices. This has become the underlying factor in the riots in Tunisia, Algeria, and Egypt, where up to 56% of a person's income is dedicated to the acquisition of food. These riots are now leading to the upheaval of governments and the very real possibility of the ascendancy of the radical elements into control.

While bad weather in various parts of the world is an element of the accelerating food prices, there are two other factors directly related to the United States and its policies.

First, because of the enormous deficits run up by the Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress, the Federal Reserve has had to effectively print trillions of dollars, which have flooded the global market. Commodities are priced in dollars; consequently, emerging markets throughout the world, and the food sector in particular, are suffering from rapidly rising inflation.

The CRB food index is up an incredible 36% over last year. Raw materials are up 23%. Since 2009, the dollar has declined by over 13% against the Japanese yen and 25% against the Canadian dollar.

Larry Kudlow in the National Review writes in regard to the riots in Africa and the Middle East:

So I have to ask this tough question: Is Ben Bernanke's ultra-easy QE2 money-priming partially to blame.

But food riots in the North Africa/Middle East area are bumping smack into long-time resentment over autocratic government. If food is in fact the trigger for what may be a revolution in Egypt, then US monetary policy has to shoulder at least some of the blame.

An example of this inflation is in the price of wheat. The January 2011 future price is $335.00 per metric ton, while last year at this time, it was $157.00 per metric ton -- an increase of 113%. Not all of this increase is due to the inflationary impact of the dollar, but with global yields down due to weather factors, this foolish U.S. monetary policy has made matters needlessly worse.

The second factor in the overall global food situation is the American decision to, in essence, burn food in its cars, a policy championed by the environmentalists since the 1990s. In 2010, the United States produced 13.1 billion bushels of corn. Of that amount, 4.2 billion bushels went into ethanol (33% of total production). That represents for 2011, a year in which global stocks are down nearly 8%, over 14% of all corn grown in the world being used in the most inefficient manner possible -- being put into American gas tanks.

Thus, the future price of corn per bushel in January 2011 is $6.51, as compared to $3.84 in January 2010 -- an increase of nearly 70%. While the price spike is in part due to lower yields, had the corn destined for ethanol been put back into the overall corn stocks, the net effect would have been to offset this lower crop, and the global market would have maintained the 2010 price level despite the inflationary impact of the dollar.

There is no quicker way to foment riots and revolution than to deprive the populace of food, particularly when so much daily income goes into feeding oneself and one's family. The pictures we have seen in North Africa may well be repeated elsewhere throughout the world. This time, the "Law of Unintended Consequences" wrought by the policies of the American left and the Obama administration will be limited not only to the United States, but also to many throughout the world. If the riots in Egypt and the Middle East take a severe and radical turn, then the prospect of open warfare in that region, which will involve the United States, will become a near certainty.

Original article is here from American Thinker.
Tags: EPA, ethanol, food prices, Global food prices, global Islamic revolution, Obama, cap and trade, Oil and fossil fuels, scarcity of corn products worldwide To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

1 Comments - Share Yours!:

HermitLion said...

American Thinker is a great website - I check it almost daily.

Ethanol seemed like a good idea, up until the part where it takes 1.5 liter gasoline to produce 1 liter of it. What a total scam!
This is not the way to reduce dependency on muslim oil, but at least it makes for one hell of a cleaner - I use ethanol to wipe off thermal grease from computer parts.