
Stealth Jihad alert: Look for halal products to spread across the USA

This is from Creeping Sharia and is another warning shot we must hear. halal products are spreading across the country as companies see a way to tap into the muslim population to make some big bucks. To me there are NO DOUBTS that these companies do not care that they are contributing to the islamization of the United States. Halal products are another facet of sharia law and islam. halal slaughter is an inhumane way of butchering animals, especially the way it is waged upon animals in muslim countries. What is there that is not sick and twisted about islam? Nothing. It is all bad.

Following this article is an article from the Atlanta Post bragging about the spread of halal products and how 'wonderful' this will be. Maybe if you are already a brain washed follower of islam that has been rendered into a clueless, mohambot that follows islam and sharia law or has duped from birth by islam. To me halal is one more part of islam, sharia law and is stealth jihad. Read some of the comments posted at the Atlanta Post article, notice that most of the comments are by muslims and possibly my comment IF they decide to publish it. If they do I look to be heavily attacked and that is fine with me. I will post some of the 'special comments' if I get some. Atlanta Post article is pretty long but stay with it and you will see what I mean. One 'special' comment is below in red.

Maple Leaf Farms submits to sharia
Creeping Sharia

Halal Whole Duck:

Maple Leaf Farms Halal Duck is a high quality USDA Grade A all-natural, farm-raised whole bird that has been certified by Islamic Services to comply with the principles and values of the Muslim community. Available frozen from our online store.

Maple Leaf Farms whole duck comes with giblets and a neck stuffed inside.

No head, like many victims whose last words heard were Allah Akbar. Those same principles and values consider non-Muslims as “infidels” and non-Muslim lands as a “house of war.”

An unrelated piece in the Atlanta Post goes on to push Islam and halal, but one of the comments there leaves little doubt that this is just the tip of the iceberg:

"We need to ask for more than just Halal food, by demanding the suppliers and manufacturers to extend it to non-food items such as medicine, health supplement even to the most basic things – water. The tap water and drinking water must be of a Halal source, specifically its traceability to ensure compliance. As well as medicine that we consume must also be Halal compliance, not from doubtful sources – swine or carrion."

No, we need to ban muslim immigration and islam, once and for all. We need to stop calling it, considering islam a religion. It is not even close and I do not care if over one billion people call it a religion. PatriotUSA

Original article is here.

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