
The Nightmare of Humanity's Future

If one would ever ask why do I bother to take a stand against the evils of Islam, even there's no personal gain to make, I would tell them that my conscience cannot bear the thought of humanity suffering a dark age of barbarian tyranny - which is exactly what Islam seeks to impose. One life, even one generation, are forfeit in comparison to the future of free mankind - the only part of humanity I care about, and so should you.
And while it is so easy to ridicule the notion of free societies becoming slaves to Islam and other forms of totalitarianism, when seeing the world through the blind man's glasses of mass media and political lies, it was probably similarly easy to dismiss the notion that soon the survivors from the Titanic would be picked from lifeboats, when the ship first hit that notorious iceberg.

In his article Why Europe Still Doesn't Get Islam, Daniel Greenfield describes my nightmare in detail:
"While Muslim Gulf states help feed the Islamization of Europe... neither America nor Europe have dared to significantly defy them in quite a while. And when Europe crumbles, and Israel is destroyed, America will stand alone. Culturally and politically isolated among an increasingly Muslim and Marxist Third World, and resentful rival superpowers, Russia and China. And then it will have a desperate choice between fighting for itself, or surrendering to the cultural oblivion tugging at it right now."

Unless the expansion of Islam is checked, America, the 'big satan' that every pretentiously enlightened little traitor, and apocalypse prophet loves to hate, would remain an island, the island of freedom in a world of dark religion, socialist tyrannies, and technologically powered, thought-shaping oppression.
This future, as horrible as that which George Orwell described in 1984, must never come to pass.

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