
muslim convert want to keep hijab for mug shot photo after DUI

Once more, we are confronted with a follower of islam who is refusing to remove her hijab for a photo AFTER she crashed her scooter, due to being drunk as she was 'fleeing' a party. Was this a party put on the Muslim Student Association, or maybe with the blessing of the muslim brotherhood which is very active at many colleges across the United States. Or a frat party or perhaps just an open party.

Maria Hardman, who had a BAC of 0.19 was booked for a DUI in Boulder, Colorado. Why was she out at a party alone? Isn't she supposed to be in the company of a male, her husband if married or other male family member if she leaves her residence. Why is she at college getting an education? As a muslim woman, she really has no rights even here in the United States if she wants to be 'protected' by islamic sharia law.

Many muslims want to see sharia law replace our Constitution, and many refuse to recognize the Constitution as the law of the land. If that is the case then under sharia law Ms. Hardman would be subjected to the very real possibility of getting a few lashes, an ear, finger or her nose cut off as punishment for breaking many laws of sharia. She might even be subjected to being gang raped as punishment if this was an islamic country. Instead Ms. Hardman is refusing to cooperate as one should, like most of us would if we were caught and convicted of the same thing. Men must remove their hats, kipas and women must remove their hats or scarves if wearing one. That is not how it works with muslims. They want it to have it their way when it suits them, an exception made only for them because they are muslims.
It is time that this nonsense be stopped once and for all. Sharia law is NOT compatible with our Constitution and should be banned in this country. Assimilate or move to a muslim country and see how well she gets treated in say, Indonesia or
Yemen? Silly girl! islam is not a true religion in the fisrt place!

Another curious thing is that she has an attorney already? One furnished by Cair perhaps? She is shocked this happened in Boulder? Why? Do police not look out for and stop people who might be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while driving? Is law enforcement supposed to look the other way because she is a muslim, a life long resident of Boulder? Boulder is the Berkeley of Colorado and yes, I have been there several times. It is very similar to Berkeley or Eugene, Oregon. She should have been kept in jail until she complied. no exceptions. As Chief Larry Hank stated, he is not out violate Hardman's religious beliefs or convictions but just have her or follow the law like the rest of us. Instead she is allowed to leave with NO picture taken of her. She should be held in contempt of court and her crime, no exceptions. Would you or I be granted an exemption? We both know the answer to that one, don't we. From the Boulder Daily Camera.

Muslim woman fights Boulder jail to keep hijab for mug shot
By Erica Meltzer

A University of Colorado student who started wearing hijab after converting to Islam is fighting the Boulder County Jail's insistence that she remove her headscarf for a booking photo, saying that to do so would violate her religious beliefs.

Maria Hardman, 19, of Boulder, reported to the jail Wednesday to do the paperwork for a two-day work crew sentence that was supposed to be served this weekend. But when a jail detention officer told her to remove her headscarf for her mug shot, she balked.

"It's stated in the Koran in two or three places that believing women should wear the veil, except in the company of close family members," she said.

Hardman said she spent three hours at the jail while her lawyer tried to convince officials to let her take the picture with her scarf. She eventually was allowed to leave the jail without taking a picture at all. She said she was told she would be found in contempt of court for being out of compliance with her sentence.

Division Chief Larry Hank, who oversees the Boulder County Jail, said his officers never threatened Hardman with contempt of court. He said they told her she needs to explain to a judge why she wouldn't comply, and his office would be filing a motion explaining the jail's requirements.

Hardman's attorney is working on a motion explaining her position, though no hearing has been set in the case.

Hank said it's not his intent to violate anyone's religious beliefs, but jail booking photos are a law-enforcement tool and need to give a clear image of what the person looks like.

He said he offered to have male officers leave the area and have Hardman take off her headscarf with only a female officer present, but she declined. Hank said that's been an acceptable compromise to other Muslim women in the jail. Hardman said she doesn't want a photo of herself without hijab entered into the statewide system, where it would be a public record.

Hardman said that while she was detained, jail officers took her shoes and jewelry, and she worried she would be booked on the spot.

"They told me I could just stay there and skip the work crew," she said. "I was worried they were going to forcibly remove my headscarf."

Hardman's offense is an awkward one for an observant Muslim, whose faith prohibits alcohol consumption, to explain: driving while ability-impaired, the lesser version of a DUI.

"I was given alcohol without my knowledge," Hardman said.

Hardman said she was drinking punch that she assumed was non-alcoholic at a party in August, and when she realized she wasn't feeling herself, she asked about the punch. When she learned that it was alcoholic, she freaked out and just wanted to leave the party, Hardman said.

She got on her 49cc scooter to go home but wiped out in the 1600 block of Norwood Avenue. A neighbor called police.

The police report doesn't indicate that Hardman told police she drank alcohol without realizing it, only that she admitted to drinking. Hardman said she tried to tell the officer the full story, but it wasn't reflected in the report.

Hardman's blood-alcohol content after the accident was 0.19, more than two times the legal limit.

She pleaded guilty to driving while ability-impaired and was sentenced to two days in jail, as well as community service.

"I made a mistake. I'm trying to make it better and take responsibility," Hardman said. "But this is America. Someone in the legal system has every right to have their religious beliefs respected."

"I was shocked that this happened in Boulder," added Hardman, a Boulder native who converted to Islam three years ago and started wearing hijab about a year ago.

Officials with the Aurora city jail and the Denver County Jail said they weren't aware of specific instances of hijab-wearing Muslim inmates in their facilities, but they likely would handle it the same way.

"Law enforcement needs to be able to use the photo to identify the person, even if they're wearing a disguise," Denver police Capt. Frank Gale said.

That makes features like ears and jaw lines important, Gale said.

"I'm not trying to disrespect the religion, but if I allow her to wear it, what am I going to do if someone, a traditionalist or whatever, comes in with the full face covering?" Hank said. "Unfortunately, this is how we do it."

The Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles and the U.S. State Department allow people whose religious beliefs require head-covering to have headwear on in driver's license and passport photos.

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

HermitLion said...

First of all, if she's been *drinking*, she's no more a muslim than mohamed is a prophet.

Second, I have only one word for you - deport deport deport! (preferably to yemen, where we'll see what arguing with the police gets her)

Findalis said...

If she is a proper Muslim then I am the Pope. (No one is calling me "Your Holiness".)

She was drinking, drunk as a skunk. She made up that BS story to get out of a DUI. But she was drinking and everyone knew it.