
Daily Catch of Videos for November 22, 2010

Here are the videos for today and I like posting them this way. Especially with my hand still wrapped in a fiberglass cast, which is looking pretty ratty at this point. I get x-rays on the 29th and if it looks all right then the cast comes off. I have sooo close to removoing it myself with my dremel.

West understands the threat from islam and sharia law.

Saudia Arabia funded books used in England that promote hate and discrimination.

Sikhs murdered for refusing conversion to islam.

islam is a cult, not a religion. Brainwashing at it's worst.

French Defense League(FDL) exposing halal.

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

HermitLion said...
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HermitLion said...

A good roundup of videos. I, personally, liked seeing that there's a French defense league now. The truth is spreading.

All the evidence, and the very likely suggestion that Lt. Col. West made, about Obama receiving 'donations' from islamic regimes during his campaign, point to one simple, clear truth: that filthy rich racist dictatorships like Saudi Arabia and the UAE are simply attempting to buy the west.
Well, our politicians, movie makers, professors, journalists, and 'artists', are all for sale - in fact, you can have 'em for this special black Friday price of 99.99$ - but the people aren't, and even less so their spirit.