
What is in the Bible and the Qur'an. Guest commentary by Kendra Adams.

The next post is outstanding commentary that was written by a friend, Kendra Adams. What you will read was not written as an opinion or in an article. The comments were part of a very lively discussion about a New MP in Australia, who was going to be the first MP sworn into office using the qur'an, not the Bible. I was reading all the comments when I read Kendra's. I realized straight away what she had written was brilliant and well thought out. I asked her permission to share her comments with you all here on Patriot's Corner. She was very gracious about this request and granted her permission.

Kendra was responding to another individual's comments(Mishka), just so everyone who reads this will get how this played out.

Maybe it is just me, but I think Kendra has explained the difference between the Bible and the qur'an very well. This is about what is IN the Bible and qur'an. Eloquently discussed and supported by Kendra, I hope you get as much out of this as I have.

It is about what is in the Bible and qur'an.
By Kendra Adams

Kendra wrote:
"With all due respect, Mishka, you are wrong on many counts. Of course the Koran MEANS something to him-- it means something to all Muslims (even the Bosnians, I would say). The problem doesn't lie with the fact that it MEANS something to him. . . it lies with what is IN the Koran itself. If you aren't aware of what is in the Koran, then I will tell you. The Koran MANDATES (doesn't just suggest) the death of ALL non-Muslims and the overthrow of our society. How, then, do we continue to justify the idea that it's okay he is sworn in as an MP and that it's okay that he is sworn in on a book you've just admitted means something to him yet means that he doesn't seem to mind it calls for the death of our people, our way of life, and our culture?

Comparing the Koran to the Bible is a huge mistake, too. The Old Testament DID have violence in it but it was violence against a specific enemy at a specific time in a specific place. It did not call for universal perpetual jihad until the entire world was Jewish. In fact, Jewish law was for Jews alone. In Islam, Islamic law is meant for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. And, the violence in the Koran is mandated by Allah until the entire world submits to Islam and Islamic law. So, to compare the two would be a futile endeavor since it's incomparable. Furthermore, Judaism has ongoing reformation and willingly subsumes itself to the dominant culture.

In the New Testament, Jesus is the perfect ideal; the One to emulate. And, Jesus preached a message of love, forgiveness, and justice. If one followed the footsteps of Jesus, one would be loving, forgiving and tolerant of all. In Islam, however, the perfect ideal-- the one to emulate (as ordered in the Koran several times!)-- is Mohammad. Yet Mohammad murdered and beheaded, raped, enslaved, was a pedophile, lied and stole. This is the ideal human in Islam. Jesus and Mohammad could not be further apart. Jesus loved his enemies while Mohammad brutally tortured and slaughtered his. And, of course, Christianity has had two major reformations throughout the centuries.

Jihad is MANDATED in the Koran. . .it's not an optional tenet. It is REQUIRED. So, even if Muslims may not WANT to wage jihad, they must in some way support it, because it's a central theme. And, they can support it with money, propaganda, legal means, or by the sword. But, all acts of jihad are driven by the very book this MP swore his oath on. Jihadists today do what they do because of what was written in that book 1400 years ago.

When Christians killed in the name of Christ in past centuries, this was a misapplication of theology. When Muslims kill in the name of Allah, this is because they are doing exactly what the Koran tells them to do.

Nobody cares how Muslims pray, Mishka. . . or how many times they pray, or where they pray, or where they face. . . that's all the religious component. We care about the political component which makes up most of Islamic doctrine-- how to treat others, specifically non-Muslims. So, the Koran is really a rule book on how to treat the rest of us.

Islam is antithetical to democracy. Islam believes that no man-made law could ever be superior to Allah's law. And, Allah's law and the laws of Western Civilization based on Judeo-Christian values are diametrically opposed. In Islam, anything Mohammad did is considered sunna and is permitted under Islamic law-- child marriage, rape, lying, theft, and murder. It's antithetical to our culture and way of life."

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