
So some are more equal than others under obamacare: muslims

Read this and get angry, very angry. Islam is not a religion but our government does not care and has recognized this perverted, stone age, persecution filled political ideology as a religion. So now all who follow islam are exempt from obamacare but still will reap the benefits of the what obamacare allows. Completely and totally disgusting.

Muslims exempt from paying for Obama care
By Larry Hart

From Examiner.com: Obama’s Orwellian healthcare bill passed by congress a few months back requires that all Americans must pay for health insurance or they will be fined a monthly amount that will almost match the forced healthcare payment.

Well, not all Americans are subject to this new bill. Certain religious groups are exempt, the Amish, Scientologists, Christian Scientists and Muslims.

The Amish “believe it is their church’s responsibility to care for the material needs of the members, not the government or insurance companies. When members of the Amish community have need of a doctor or a hospital, they get financial help from their church and neighbors and pay in cash for the services.”

That sounds noble enough for me. I wish everyone took that kind of private communal responsibility.

Scientologists, and Christian scientists lobbied to keep themselves exempt and they won it, probably because their new age philosophies fit in with the Left wing atheist/pagan mandate that is currently running the U.S. government.

Those that adhere to Islam, the only major religion included in the exemption, won’t have to pay health insurance but will still be entitled to benefits because Islam has “a tradition of barring conventional insurance products because they ‘involve an element of uncertainty, gambling and the charging of interest, which is prohibited by the Koran.’”

Of course, if you are white and Christian, Jewish, or if just make too much money for the Obamists, then you are going to be the ones who will pay the Muslim bill for healthcare.

All Americans are equal just some are more equal than others

Original article is here.

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

HermitLion said...

I guess now we know what the Communists did wrong - they should've declared Communism to be a religion!
How shameful will it be for the proud Russians to see lowly Muslims succeed where they have failed.

Seriously, though, shouldn't it be that if someone does not pay the bill, then he doesn't get the benefits either?

PatriotUSA said...

Indeed, indeed. They should be exempt from receiving ANY benefits
from this bad health care bill.

It is bad enough that this is going to cost the rest of dearly and now
we have to support muslims or any
one who claims to be a follow of the death cult of islam.

Hemitlion, thanks for dropping
by PC and hope you will be back.
Much appreciated.