
Burka rage causes French woman to rip face veil off a muslim woman

I certainly do not condone this type of attack or rage. That said, if women did not wear face veils or burkas in the first place then this would not have occurred. There is nothing uplifting or sexy about either of these garments. Both are symbols of oppression of women and the persecution they must live with their entire lives under islam. The victim has fled the country vowing never to return. That is the best outcome for both of these women. Banning all muslim immigration to any and all European countries is long overdue. We could benefit from banning it here in the United States, like yesterday. From the Daily mail.uk.

'Burka rage' teacher faces jail in France after ripping off Muslim woman's face veil
By Peter Allen

A retired teacher is facing three years in prison for ripping off a Muslim’s face veil in the world’s first known case of ‘burka rage’.

Jeanne Ruby, 63, appeared before the Paris Correctional Court to defend her attack on Shaika al-Suwaidi, 26, who is originally from the United Arab Emirates.

The incident happened in February when both women were out shopping in an upmarket suburb of the French capital, with Ruby claiming: ‘For me the wearing of the veil is an aggressive act, there is no burka in my country.’

The case comes at an extremely sensitive time as France has just banned the burka and the niqab following an impassioned public debate more than two years.

Ruby, who is accused of aggravated violence, is said to have ‘lost control’ when she saw Ms al-Suwaidi choosing furniture in a department store. I knew I would crack one day,’ said Ruby. ‘This whole saga of the burka was really getting to me.’

Speaking in English to her victim, the retired teacher, who taught in Morocco and Saudi Arabia, said: ‘I told her to take off the veil she had on her face. I grabbed and pulled it.

‘To me wearing a full veil is an attack on being a woman. As a woman, I felt attacked.’

A few minutes later she is said to have started hitting al-Suwaidi, who refused to take her veil off. ‘I went over to her and tore her veil,’ said the defendant in a police report. ‘We came to blows. I was very upset.’

After allegedly slapping Ms al-Suwaidi, Ruby bit her hand before successfully removing the veil, shouting: ‘Now I can see your face.’ Security guards had to separate the women, with one describing the fight as being motivated by ‘pure burka rage’.

Ms al-Suwaidi suffered cuts and bruises and had to take two days off work. She was so upset that she has now left France and returned to the Emirates, and will not attend today’s court case.

Ruby's defence for the attack was that ‘we do not wear the burka in my country’ but in fact no ban was in place in February.

Even if it was, it would not be up to people to make citizen’s arrests, said a legal source involved in the case. Ruby said: ‘I’ve taught in countries like Morocco and Saudi Arabia and know how these women walk three paces behind their husbands.

‘When I saw a burka in a Paris shop I thought it was very provocative. I did not hit or use any violence against this woman. I just wanted to pull her burqa off. I know I shouldn’t have got angry, but I lost it.’

Lotfi Ouled Ben Hafsia, for al-Suwaidi, said his client had been living in Paris for three years, but would never return because of the ‘racist attack’.

It is now a criminal offence to wear a burka in France, with woman facing fines and even a prison sentence when the law is enforced in six months time.

The case continues.

Original article is here.

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Anonymous said...

Three years in prison! lol