I was so elated to hear that the recession was over. Not only that but it was over in June, 2009! I did not realize we had been so asleep at the wheel on this great news. And I thought this was just the LSM spinning and trolling for an uptick in support for those great demosocialistscrat policies that have been dumped and spawned upon the American people since 2006 when the liberals took control in the Swamp. Just to let everyone know that here in Oregon we never did get that memo about the recession being over. Just to prove that I am not pulling a LSM tactic, here is the latest unemployment rates for all counties in Oregon from the Oregon Employment department. As of yesterday on the news the rates for our local counties here in Central Oregon were as follows: Crook County 17.5%, Deschutes County 15.2%, and Jefferson County 15.8%. The chart below is from the OED website and shows what they have as the latest. I could not find a chart that showed the counties labled. The above counties are all in Central Oregon and right next to each other. Traditionally, Oregon is one of the First states into a recession/depression and one of the last states to pull out of any economic slump. Central Oregon almost always has the highest unemployemnt rates for the entire state, only being outdone by Eastern Oregon and the coastal counties and that is not always the case. What me worry?
2 Comments - Share Yours!:
The recession is not over. Unemployment is rising, the dollar is weaker, our trade deficit is only larger. If this is the signs of a strong economy, then we are heading for a hard fall.
Only the stock market is in a recovery, but not for too long.
I see people every day
I work who have lost everything
becauase of not finding any,
even a minimum wage job, part
time. This covers all ages,
education level, you name it.
Some recovery. Pre-election
lies and spin, nothing more.
Our country is in DEEP, DEEP
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