
Heavy politics at work, limited posting until the weekend. I am burnt out!

For a part time job I am in it up to my elbows with bureaucrats and on the job politicizing. I am an Administrative Assistant and assist giving a test that is used in 33 states to assist people find work. It is an extremely useful tool for those who are out of work or wanting to move up or help with changing careers. Living in Central Oregon, this is a really good tool as the economy is severely depressed here. People need every advantage they can get to help them find a job. I have to work with three different government agencies and am now involved in fighting for continued funding for the test program that is now in jeopardy. The funding is there and it is two agencies that cannot step across the line and say "yes", they are so afraid of making a mistake. Mistakes get made and we learn from them and do a better job by fixing the error. To make this the short version, today was testing day plus three meetings and I am burned out. I am now the ONLY one who knows how to administer these tests in our field office and my 'supervisor'(in name only, trust me)cannot find a new job soon enough. I am not a bureaucrat and do not play the work place political game well at all. I say what needs to be said, give my opinions when requested and let the bruising end up where it does. My stock has gone up tremendously in the last month and this all may work out well for me as I was told today by our field office manager and regional manager that they want and need me to stick around. I am blessed to have any work in this region even if the pay is poor, for now. I have been asked to represent the testing program in several meetings next week as I work directly with the Job Seekers and I see the difference this test can make in a person's attitude, outlook and life. I need to very careful and not mention the agencies involved or any names. I am sure you all can understand.

I just got back from urgent care and have been dosed with a ton of narcotics for pain and I am heading for some long overdue rest. I will be back tomorrow night and over the weekend and apologize for the break. Just a dip in the road. I have a bunch of good posts waiting to get posted, and they will. Thanks for understanding.

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