
Christian persecution from too many countries

Bulletin of Christian Persecution

By Bill Warner; edited byAsma Marwan
Political Islam
July 29, 2010-August 19, 2010

July 29, 2010
Pakistan - A dozen masked men shot five Christians to death as they came out of their church building.

Morocco (Hat tip to JihadWatch) - The Morocco king says that Evangelical Christians must stop preaching or get out of the country.

August 2, 2010
Bangladesh - Two Christian families suffer extortion and beatings.

August 6, 2010
Zanzibar - Officials stop a church from being built and build a mosque instead.

August 7, 2010
Afghanistan - Eight foreigners and two Afghans of the International Assistance Mission (IAM), a Christian charitable organization providing aid and medical assistance to the Afghan people were killed by the Taliban. Details HERE.

August 8, 2010
Indonesia - In the latest jihad attacks on religious minorities in West Java, 300 Islamic hard-liners intimidated, bullied and assaulted a priest and 20 Christian churchgoers praying in a field on Sunday morning.

August 9, 2010
Somalia (hat tip to JihadWatch) - A Somali militant group with links to al-Qaida on Monday announced it had banned three Christian aid agencies.

August 10, 2010
Maldives - Christians can't have Bibles or religious literature in this Muslim country.

August 11, 2010
Saudi Arabia - Al Qaeda says kill the Christians and Jews.

Malaysia - More closures of non-Muslim religious clubs in Malaysian schools, including Christian fellowships, have surfaced.

August 12 2010
Pakistan - Christians observed a 'Black Day' of protest yesterday to mark the many discriminations they endure, above all the blasphemy law, which continues to inflict suffering on its victims.

August 13, 2010
Indonesia (Hat tip to JihadWatch) - Mob threats lead to church closure. Update HERE.

Algeria (Hat tip to JihadWatch) - A group of Christian and Muslims from Algeria, Morocco and Italy are planning a pilgrimage in the footsteps of St. Augustine. One of their intentions is that "Muslims who have heard the call of the Lord Jesus should not be prohibited from entering the Church." This refers to some episodes in France and Algeria, where many Muslims who wanted to be baptized, have been impeded by priests and bishops, fearful of the consequences and overly precautious.

Malaysia - Two Muslim youths are sentenced to five years in prison for an arson attack on a Christian church.

August 14, 2010
Egypt - An imam called for jihad against the Copts, and over the next two days, many Copts were assaulted.

August 16, 2010
Pakistan - Rapes of Christian girls reflect a hidden trend as they are commonplace but rarely reported.

Lebanon - Shia-controlled Al-Manar and NBN networks pull Iranian series based on an apocryphal story about Jesus in which Judas dies in his place.

Nigeria (Hat tip to Jihad Watch) - Muslim students of the University of Ibadan this morning paralysed activities during a protest against the institution's refusal to expel a part four law student who preached gospel in the school mosque.

August 17, 2010
Somalia - The tiny Christian population is regularly persecuted by Islamic extremists so they are asking Christians worldwide to pray for their safety during Islam's holy month of Ramadan.

Indonesia - The country that is home to the world's largest Muslim population celebrated its 65th Independence Day today amid a widespread sense of distrust in the government's ability to check attacks on churches by Islamist groups.

August 19, 2010
Egypt - The head of the Coptic Church in Egypt has warned followers that the police in the country are wiretapping their calls and said they should not confess sins over the phone.

Zanzibar - Christian university students have been denied the right to worship, while on another part of the island, a Christian leader has been jailed.
Link to original article can be found here.

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Findalis said...

Do you realize that in the whole Middle East the only nation NOT to persecute Christians is Israel. Given the history of violence Christians inflicted upon Jews these last 2000 years, it shows what a civilized nation does and what the barbarians do.

PatriotUSA said...

Yes, I did realize that.
Israel is a true light in a
region of darkness and death.
Too bad the world refuses to
see or admit to this. Israel
is not going anyplace any time