
The battle over marriage: Proposition 8 in California

The institution of marriage, as it is called by so many is not one that is in the Constituion, not does the 14th amendment apply to marriage. Now that this has been overturned in California by an activist judge who is clearly legislating from the bench, and the not the law has thrown gasoline on fire that was already raging. I find it sad that marriage, as it now stands between a MAN and a WOMAN cannot be left alone. If gays want to 'marry' then let them call it something else. I am quite tired of the gay agenda and refuse to knuckle under to this all out war on what our traditional values are and have been. What will now be called unconstituional? The progressive, socialist agenda that was planted in the early 1900s has become more than a malignancy. It has has spread throughout the entire body of the United States. I was not going to post anything on this but after reading David's article, I changed my mind.

This bring us to David Huntwork from Citizens For a Conservative Society. He also can be found at the Constitution Club. The CC is not what you think it is. The site has a wide diversity of writers who have come together to be able to express their widely divergent views.

Preserving Traditional Marriage – The Final Battle of the Culture Wars
By David Huntwork

The recent decision by a California judge to strike down Proposition 8 is the definition of an activist liberal judicial system. Marriage HAS ALWAYS been between people of opposite genders until we decided to suddenly reinvent it in the last decade or so. It is a silly thing to pretend that defining marriage as between a man and a woman is suddenly unconstitutional. What hogwash, poppycock, and sheer idiocy.

The will, and common sense, of the people is now constantly overturned by liberal judges who now throw anything out that isn’t marching along with the progressive agenda. By this definition of the constitution polygamy should now be legal as well. And who is to say that legally barring any definition of marriage that one can now come up with should not also be considered unconstitutional? It boggles the mind. What a cesspool society and culture we live in that excuses anything and everything and insists on dismantling the most basic units of culture, society, and Western Civilization. Ridiculous. Marriage is by definition, tradition, and common sense, a unique relationship between a man and a woman.

Marriage has never been anything other than between males and females. Now we are expected to accept the notion that marriage is whatever one wants it to be and defined by the whims of popular culture and liberal judges. For once marriage is something other that what it has always been, then it must become anything and everything. The same simplistic arguments monotonously repeated over and over by advocates of same-sex marriage can, and will, be used to justify multiple wives, bi-sexual trios, incest, group marriage, animal-human and adult-child partnerships, and whatever other twisted formations the human mind is capable of dreaming up.

American culture is the thermometer of where we are morally as a nation and a reflection of what is valued. To surrender on this issue is to surrender the culture wars in their entirety. Those who believe in traditional values and common sense morality have retreated and been defeated time and time again. While they may win the occasional battle, they are losing the war. Few national leaders have had the stomach or conviction to stand up for what is right. This past record and poor national leadership in the culture wars makes this final battle even more important. If homosexual marriage becomes the actual or de facto law of the land then, truly, nothing is sacred or inviolate.

The battle lines have been very clearly drawn and each and every person is going to have to pick a side. Shame on all those who have declared war on marriage as we know it.

The backlash against same-sex marriage and the fight to preserve traditional marriage is not about hate, discrimination, or a denial of equal rights. Homosexuals are not forced to sit in the back of the bus or counted as three-fifths of a person. They are forcing their lifestyle, sexual activities, and agenda down the throat of those who oppose homosexuality for a host of natural, biological, religious, moral, or cultural reasons. It is the homosexual lobby and their allies who are actively attempting to steal and redefine the institution of marriage. It is they who have emerged from the closet, taken to the streets and are attempting to snatch legal, cultural, and moral legitimacy for their lifestyle.

If there was ever a time to sally forth and defeat the barbarians of the modern age it is now. Otherwise, raise the white flag and surrender, for the culture wars will have been lost.

Original article can be found here

Constituion Club

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