
Women of the Storm: Restore the Gulf

A very good friend of mine Jon Alva Murphy, her cousin alerted her and me to this. It is about two sites and a petition to help restore the gulf. Women of the storm and Restore the Gulf. This is really a worthy and PLEASE consider signing up. If you are able to, consider a contribution. I always hesitate in writing this as myself, and my family certainly do know how tough times are right now. While I am not fond of some of the names you find in these two groups, the cause is a worthy one. There are times when one has to bench how he or she feels for the greater good. This is one og these times. If we were able to, I would take my family on holiday to the Gulf Coast. Unlike our first muslim POTUS and his family who fled to Maine to take their vacation. 

This right off the website:

About Women of the Storm

Women of the Storm is a non-partisan non-political alliance of Louisiana women whose families, businesses and lives were affected by Hurricanes Katrina and/or Rita. Members are culturally, socially and economically diverse. Bound by their passion for their communities, Women of the Storm educate elected leadership and media and opinion leaders about the urgent needs of the areas affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita for safe and secure neighborhoods and communities, including commiment of federal funds for restoration of our vanishing coast. The group offers educational tours, data and personal stories about families whose lives have been forever altered by the 2005 hurricane season; some 57 U.S. Senators and 149 member of the U.S. House of Representatives have visited to see post-hurricane Louisiana firsthand. Read what media are saying. Learn more about Women of the storm.

Women of the Storm has harnessed the latest in social media techniques as it seeks to capture hundreds of thousands of e-signatures that its members will take to Congress and the Administration in a return visit to Washington, DC.

The innovative campaign emphasizes the importance of the Gulf Coast to America, especially in seafood, energy, oil and gas, shipping, ecosystem and culture.

Among its stars of its moving video are Sandra Bullock, Wendell Pierce, Lenny Kravitz, John Goodman, Dave Matthews, Mary Matalin, James Carville, Drew Brees, Peyton and Eli Manning, Emeril Lagasse, Harry Shearer, Dr. John, Leah Chase, Bryan Batt, Blake Lively, Alfre Woodard, Eric Harvey (of the band Spoon), Jack del Rio, Clay Hensley and many more.

The campaign is supported by an aggressive PR strategy, a social media presence that includes Facebook and Twitter accounts and a YouTube channel, and by a “Be the One” t-shirt, sold through CafĂ© Press. The t-shirt’s design includes a 2-D barcode that enables people to sign the petition by scanning the code with their smartphones

The initiative does not advocate a particular piece of legislation. It simply seeks to demonstrate to national leaders the strong and deep support across America for the essential funding for Gulf Coast restoration.

We thank you for using your voice to make a difference––and for being the one for the Gulf Coast.

Facts About the Gulf

•The region is a vital economic engine for the country, supplying $3 trillion annually to the U.S. economy.

•The Gulf of Mexico is critical to the nation’s energy supply, contributing more than 44% of the crude oil, 43% of the dry natural gas, and more than 50% of liquid natural gas that fuels this nation.

•Two-thirds of the royalties that the United States Treasury receives annually from oil and gas produced from the Outer Continental Shelf is generated by operations in the Gulf.

•The Gulf Coast region is responsible for one third of the U.S. oil and gas production, which accounts for about 49% of the nation’s oil supply.

•One-third of the seafood consumed in the country comes from the Gulf.

•Two-thirds of the royalties that the United States Treasury receives annually from oil and gas produced from the Outer Continental Shelf is generated by operations in the Gulf.

•The Gulf of Mexico's shores and beaches support a $20 billion tourist industry.

•The commercial fish and shellfish annual harvest from the five U.S. Gulf states is estimated to be 1.3 billion pounds valued at $661 million.

•The Gulf landings of shrimp harvest led the nation in 2008, with 188.8 million pounds valued at $367 million dockside, accounting for about 70% of the U.S. total.

•The Gulf also led in production of oysters in 2008 with 20.6 million pounds of meats valued at $60.2 million and representing 70% of the national total.

•The Gulf's coastal wetlands serve as an essential habitat for numerous fish and wildlife species, including migrating waterfowl (about 75% of those traversing the U.S.), seabirds, wading birds, furbearers, and sport and commercial fisheries.

•Out of the top 10 sea ports in the United States, seven are on the Gulf of Mexico.

•Agricultural production (crops, livestock, and associated products) in the Gulf States totaled nearly $29 billion in 2001 according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Sign the petition here

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