
White House/NAACP Involvement in Black Panther Dismissal

Gary Fouse

The Washington Times has done what few if any other media organs have done; they have published a time line of events involving the Department of Justice dismissal of charges against the New Black Panther Party thugs who showed up at a Philadephia polling place in the 2008 elections armed with para-military uniforms, billy clubs and plenty of racist epithets. This time line raises disturbing questions not only against Eric Holder's Justice Department, but also against any involvement in the White House and/or NAACP in the decision to dismiss that case.

The below editorial by Bryan Myrick of Redcounty.com in March 2010 has links to the article by the Washington Times and their January reporting of the timeline of events.


One might ask why the mainstream media has not been all over this. (Then again, one might not.) Perhaps, that is the excuse Rep. Brad Sherman might have used two days ago at a town hall meeting in Reseda, California when he told his audience that he was "unaware of the case".

(Breitbart TV)

That is a preposterous statement. Sherman, a Democrat, is fully aware of the situation involving charges of anti-Semitism at UC-Irvine (of which I often write). To his credit, he has followed the situation carefully and made public statements critical of the university. Yet, he is unaware of the New Black Panther case? Well, if he doesn't read the Washington Times when he is in Washington or watch Fox News, how would he know? (That is meant sarcastically.)

But back to the Administration. If the (post-racial) White House got involved in this case, why? Perhaps, the key to understanding it lies in that old guy named Jeremiah Wright, who the majority of the nation chose to ignore during the last election.

And what about the NAACP, an organization that was born out of issues like black voting rights in the South? Why would they seek to have charges dismissed that are a mirror image of what black would-be voters had to endure before the Civil Rights era and the Voting Rights Act? As we speak, the NAACP is holding its annual convention in Kansas City and expected to issue a statement accusing the Tea Party movement of racism. If these reports are true, then the NAACP will be guilty of gross hypocrisy for the entire country to see.

How can the rest of the media ignore such a major story right under their collective noses?

(Don't answer that.)

1 Comments - Share Yours!:

PatriotUSA said...

You are right, Gary. We already have the answers. They are
extremely ugly and will not
stop until this administration
is completely sacked.