
Wake up America!

Here is a nice, concise rant on Obama. The first muslim potus. I refuse to capitalize when the post has to do with the mullah in the White house, Obama. Read Mark Steyn's "America Alone" if you want to see what the United States is headed for with the muslim population. It is a great book. It will shock you, and what is covered, should.

Wake up America!
By Traveller

My two cents

This week, I can’t help but write about OhBummer. While the 100th bank failure is announced and unemployment is rising and debt is totally off the meter, what does OhBummer do? Help everyone but Americans.

He has given out money to the place he grew up in, Indonesia and to Kenya, his birth place. It was recently revealed that billions, not millions have been given towards Palestinian aid. He insists on loving up to the Pakistanis, where he spent some time with his fascist mom. What else do these places all have in common? With the exception of Kenya, they are Muslim majority countries.

More and more we see this fraud denying his own people and helping the very people that aim to bring us to our knees.

This week I have moved the minorities section, towards the top of this note. With OhBummer handing out the American taxpayer’s money so freely is he helping these people? Of course not. Why is it so important we expose the daily persecution of these people? Simple stuff really.

It’s a look into the future. In Europe and the UK they are no where near minority status, but just look at how Muslims act there. It is estimated that the ‘religion’ of Islam will be the worlds most dominant by 2025. By that time you can expect a minimum of 20-35 million Muslims in the USA. Fast forward to 2050 and you will see a Muslim population of 60-80 million people in the USA. Forty years away, seems such a long way off though. What about your children or your Grandchildren?

Imagine your granddaughter in the year 2050, walking down the street in Owensboro Kentucky and she it set upon by three Muslim youths, then raped tortured and left for dead. No one outside of the very local area will hear about it as all of the media outlets are owned by Muslims.

The Police are reluctant to do anything as they are Muslims too. Finally, after all of the hurdles and the constant harassment and death threats to you and your family, the Police decide to listen to you and even document a complaint. As your granddaughter cannot produce four male adult Muslim witnesses to her rape and torture, she is given a hundred lashes. Stoning hasn’t quite been approved yet for adulterers, which is what your granddaughter is now termed.

This above is not really a work of fiction, only the location has been changed.


Just a note: It is 4:30 AM and I must try to get some sleep if this damn pain will let me.PatriotUSA

4 Comments - Share Yours!:

Always On Watch said...

America Alone is a grim read.

Even worse, we're seeing Steyn's words coming to fruition.

I believe that the day is coming in the United States when no woman will be allowed out and about without a hijab during Ramadan. Sound far-fetched? Maybe.

But check out what I posted today about shari'a law in New Jersey. A victory for justice, but the case had to go to appellate court!

WomanHonorThyself said...

More and more we see this fraud denying his own people and helping the very people that aim to bring us to our knees...so true my friend..Steyn rocks!

PatriotUSA said...

AOW, I will do so and I may use
it and leave proper links back
and proper credit. Any victory
against islam and sharia is to savored but only the briefest of moments. There is too much work
yet to done against islam and

PatriotUSA said...
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