
The rise of the Obama Police State

You may or may not agree with this but I am posting it up for all to read and consider. I do not see this as far fetched at all. Obama has no respect for the law or our Constitution. The mullah in the White House, the first muslim potus, has made it clear he will not obey the rule of land that has guided the United States for over two hundred years. Almost everything this administration of demosocialistacrats has done since the election of 2008 has been against or around the law or Constitution. This is from ResistNet.com which is an excellent site and organization worth your time.

AZ ceded to Mexico and the rise of the Obama police state?
Posted by Darla, ADMIN / National Director

By Sher Zieve

"When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one
people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with
another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and
equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle
them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they
should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." This is
the opening paragraph of the thirteen United States colonies'
declaration of independence from the then tyrannical England on 4 July
1776. It was then and remains today the primary seminal founding
document of the United States of America.

Our Declaration of Independence was affirmed against the despot King
George III. However, with only a few modifications I submit that this
same declaration could be filed today against the current regime now
ruling — not governing — over We-the-People of the United States of
America. I would also submit that the reason for my statement is
already contained within our country's founding document. Note: For
those of you who were actually schooled in our nation's documents of
origin, this will be a brief refresher course. For those who were not
taught about them, I would suggest a reading assignment beginning with
the "Declaration of Independence" referenced below.

Our founders' reasons for dissolving the bonds between England and the
emerging USA were myriad. But, it is uncanny and may even be a bit
unsettling to discover that the motivations for We-the-People breaking
away from King George III are the same ones we find in our current US
government today. Let's take a look.

Some of the causes for our founders declaring independence from England
and the similar if not almost identical conditions existing in the USA
today are contained within the original Declaration of Independence.
They are:

1. D of I: "He [King George] has refused his assent to laws,
the most wholesome and necessary for the public good."

A. Current: He [Obama] is now refusing to allow sovereign US
States to enact laws to protect themselves. Example: AZ passing an
almost mirror image [but more restrictive to AZ law enforcement] bill of
federal immigration law, in order to protect itself from drug cartels,
kidnappings, human trafficking and foreign invasion. Obama & Co is
now suing Arizona for attempting to protect itself; claiming that it is
the US government's sole purview to decide to either protect or NOT to
protect the US-Mexico border. Note: In this way, as the US government
is not going after other States who already have similar laws on their
books — including but, not limited to Rhode Island and California — it
strongly appears that there may actually have been some backroom deal
between Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderon to cede the State of
Arizona to Mexico. By the way, did you know that Obama is using YOUR
tax dollars to sue Arizona?

2. D of I: "He [King George] has forbidden his governors to
pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in
their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so
suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them."

A. Current: This follows almost exactly in conjunction with #1
above. Obama says he has the sole right and ability to make decisions
for the States. Obama forbade Arizona Governor Jan Brewer from
attempting to protect her State and its citizens from foreign invasion.
Obama encouraged a foreign government (Mexico) to also file a lawsuit
against the US State of Arizona! This is patently treasonous behavior
being affected and committed by the Usurper Obama. Obama is also
gearing up to enact lawsuits against and to fight all other sovereign US
States filing lawsuits against the blatantly unconstitutional
ObamaCare. Again...with YOUR tax dollars and against the consent of the
governed — now known as "the ruled "

3. D of I: " He [King George] has refused to pass other laws
for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people
would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right
inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only."

A. Current: He [Obama] told Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) that he will
NOT protect the border and the American people until Republicans agree
to immigration reform — aka "Amnesty." Again, the usurper is refusing
to protect American citizens unless they submit to his will. And,
again, treason, folks — purely and simply.

4. D of I: "He [King George] has obstructed the administration
of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary

A. Current: "He [Obama] and his DOJ overturned a legal decision
— perpetrators caught on video — against Obama-supporters The New Black
Panthers who blocked and threatened white voters in Philadelphia.
According to sworn testimony before a Congressional Committee, former
DOJ Attorney J. Christian Adams said that Obama's DOJ has no intention
of upholding the Voting Rights Act if white people are the victims and
black people are the perpetrators. Adams said that in November 2009
Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes also stated about the
voter list integrity (including listed dead people, felons, people who
had moved out of the area etc.): "We have no interest in enforcing this
provision of the law. It has nothing to do with increasing turnout, and
we are just not going to do it!" Obama and his faux "department of
justice" are clearly no longer following or enforcing the law of the

5. D of I: "He [King George] has made judges dependent on his
will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment
of their salaries."

A. Current: He [Obama] appears to have trained and/or
intimidated judges into using the "you have no standing" excuse in order
to disallow anyone from viewing his true birth certificate. Currently,
no one in the United States has "standing" to demand or even request
that a copy of Obama's BC be made available to determine whether or not
he is even eligible for the POTUS position. Insane.

6. D of I: "He [King George] has erected a multitude of new
offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and
eat out their substance."

A. Current: He [Obama] created ObamaCare for and with the
expressed purpose of creating hundreds of new offices staffed with
ObamaBureaucrats to control We-the-People. He has now created more new
"offices" than any other POTUS in history.

There are more similarities — if not exact matches — between the
tyrannies employed by King George III and those now being affected
against the American people by Obama and his Marxist regime. I
encourage everyone to read or reread the extraordinary Declaration of
Independence. When tyrannies become so apparent that said tyranny and
oppression of the people are seen in the light of day we must
acknowledge them, warn others and prepare to fight in earnest. If not,
we will lose all hope of freedom and liberty today and into the future.
We will have become slaves to the Police State; this time Obama's.
Prepare yourselves and your loved ones, folks. It is coming very soon.

Declaration of Independence:

Sher Zieve's original article can be found here

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