
If Kagan is confirmed, we are just ONE vote away from losing our 2nd Amendment rights

Sessions: ‘One Vote Away From Banning Firearms’
By Jason Mattera

Sen. Jeff Sessions told HUMAN EVENTS that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor wasn’t forthcoming during her confirmation hearings on whether the right to keep and bear arms was settled, constitutional law. In light of that, the Alabama Senator said that even many Democrats are uneasy about confirming Elena Kagan because she, too, was cagey and evasive when asked if the Second Amendment applied to individuals. We’re “one vote” away from “any city and any state in America” completely "ban[ning] firearms,” he warned.

Original link can be found here

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Ron Russell said...

Kagan will be confirmed and like you say Gun and many other rights hinge on a single vote. Obama cannot get a second term or we are really screwed. The country cannot stand a second Obama term, something will have to give.

Thanks for the link on the Tea Party thing. I don't get out much, but try to give some support with my blogs. Those at the National Tea Party Federation rose to the bait. That surprised me, but then we have conservative fools too! Sorry I haven't been around much lately but just don't seen to have the time with all the work I have to do at home now with the Wife getting worse with each passing day. Again thanks for the CP.

PatriotUSA said...

Ron, no need to apologize. I have
not been around as much either
as my BP was 218/148, not good.
I do not think the blogging has
much to do with it. It is more
the stress of life, finances,
etc... for me.

Sorry to hear about your wife
getting worse. Please know I,
and others are praying for her
and you. Like I said before, if
I was close by I would be there
to help out with what I could.
In faith and country, Ron.
