
Guest post from Bill Muehlenberg’s CultureWatch: A few more nails in the West's coffin

I want to thank Bill Muehlenberg for letting me post this from his site CultureWatch. As is mentioned in the post, "we have forgotten God" but He has not forgotten about us, our our country. Who is behind this? Our good friends at Planned Parenthood. I have absolutely not one good thing to say about PP after what our local branch has said and tried to do. That is a story for another time and post. The stories Bill mentions are enough to curl your hair and have stand staright out. How far are we going to have to fall before we admit the damages that political correctness, diversity and multiculturalism have done to our country and the western world? The demosocialistacrats are destroying everything that built our great country. Liberal idiots on parade

A Few More Nails in the West’s Coffin
By Bill Muehlenberg

If aliens came to earth and surveyed the scene in the contemporary Western world, they would have to ask themselves, “Why is the West so intent on destroying itself?” Good question. The evidence for this self-immolation is everywhere to be found, but the reasons for it are harder to come by.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn offered a suggestion some decades ago which is most likely the correct one: “It is because we have forgotten God – that is why all this is happening to us”. The secular left hegemony over so much of the West accounts for a good part of our woes.

And every day the headlines confirm this. Indeed, as one commentator put it, “History is little more than the story of man’s sin, and the daily newspaper a running commentary on it.” And the press has just offered up a few more prime examples of this.

Consider this headline, “Transsexual spared jail for own safety”. That in itself raises a number of issues and concerns, but it gets worse as the article elaborates: “A transsexual who downloaded child pornography has walked free from a UK court because a judge said she would not be safe in prison, reports say.”

It continues, “Laura Voyce, 20, who used to be called Luke, was convicted of 14 counts of downloading indecent images of children. Some of the images on her laptop were graded at the second most sickening level of abuse. Voyce, who is biologically still a man but legally a woman, was sentenced at Manchester Crown Court to a nine-month jail term suspended for 12 months.”

There is plenty in this story to get bent out of shape about. But what really enrages me is how our wishy-washy judiciary is continuously showing more concern for the welfare of criminals than the rights of crime victims. They are happy to let the criminals go scot free while the victims bear the unending suffering.

And in this case the victims are as tragic as they come: innocent little children who are sexually and physically abused so sicko perverts like this guy/girl/it can get their cheap thrills. This irresponsible judge was more worried about this trannie pervert than about the wellbeing of children who are being horribly abused.

Indeed, this sham judge has simply sent a green light to every would-be child porn addict: just claim to be a transsexual and you will escape prosecution. Watch all the degrading child porn you like, because our judges are more concerned about your “rights” than they are about the rights of our most vulnerable and defenceless children.

No wonder we are going down the tubes so fast with clowns like this calling the shots. Of course all these secular left judges are products of our secular left and Marxist law schools, which have long ago lost the plot concerning criminal justice.

Indeed, today criminals are not getting true justice, but a free pass. It is the victims who are getting injustice time and time again. The rule of law is being undermined by activists and social engineers who want to remake society in their own mage.

And we ordinary law-abiding citizens are the ones who are paying the price for all this. Chesterton said it well: “A society is in decay, final or transitional, when common sense really becomes uncommon.” Given that our legal eagles seem to have long ago lost any remaining sense, it appears that the decay is terminal.

But wait, there’s more. In Montana the school system wants to extend sex education all the way down to kindergarten. According to FoxNews, the proposal has sparked outrage amongst concerned parents. Here is how the story is introduced:

“According to the 62-page draft proposal, beginning in kindergarten, school nurses will teach students proper terms such as ‘nipple, breast, penis, scrotum and uterus.’ Once they are promoted to first grade, children will learn that sexual relations could happen between two men or two women. By the time students are 10 years old, instruction will include the various ways people can have intercourse, be it vaginally, orally or through ‘anal penetration,’ according to the proposal.”

As is often the case, those pushing such radical moves insist that such sex-ed programs for the youngest of children are needed to prevent STDs and pregnancy. “Melanie Reynolds, a district health officer, defended the proposed curriculum, saying early education and intervention was needed to prevent HIV infection or other sexually transmitted diseases.”

Of interest is the fact that staff from Planned Parenthood were involved in the committee that developed the document. These guys are always pushing this kind of rubbish. But their rational for all this has just taken a big blow by a major new study.

As one source puts it, “The Center for Disease Control and Prevention released a new study last month showing that most teens are virgins – which American Life League (ALL) has said contradicts propaganda disseminated by sex-education giant Planned Parenthood.”

Judie Brown, president of ALL said, “This study has huge significance for our nation’s public and even private schools – many of whom have been regurgitating Planned Parenthood’s dangerously inaccurate sex-education curriculum”. Quite right.

Indeed, we know that comprehensive sex ed courses in fact increase sexual activity amongst young people, not decrease it. So the whole agenda of groups like PP is as misguided as it is counterproductive. But they will keep pushing to have ever-expanding courses forced upon ever-younger children.

These are just two more scenes from the culture wars, and two more examples of how the Western world is daily being assaulted by secular leftists who do not seem to mind if they pull the whole structure down in their bid to recreate it into their own diabolical image.

All the more reason why we need to redouble our efforts to protect our children, our families, our culture, and our faith from these nihilistic social engineers.



Bill's orignal article can be found here


Please check out Bill's site.

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