
Anonymous: This is for you. Play nice!

OK, I have been called every name in the book, had a couple Fatwa's tossed my way, threatened, attacked in so many way I have lost count. Comes with the territory of being in the counter jihad, conservative, Constitutionalist side of politics and life. I gave Anonymous the boot some time back after this person violated the foul language rule in comments more than three times. Anonymous has been sending in comments anyway and many of these are really good. I would rather give this individual ONE MORE chance and share some of the posts and links with you all. No one can accuse me of not being fair and giving some who MIGHT deserve it, a second chance. Now that this has been stated to you Anonymous(and you know who you are), it will be up to you to tow the line. Consider this a stay of execution from the Governor. I generally DO NOT accept comments from people who go by 'Anonymous.'

To KP: (you know who you are as well), this is NOT directed or does it apply to you. No problem at all with your comments.

Just so all are clear on this: No Foul language will be allowed here or in the comments. If you choose to do so, your comments will not be published and you will get a total of three warnings. Cross the line again and you will be banned. Exceptions can and MAY be made, but they are very, very rare. Anonymous is the first. I hope I do not regret this and if I do, at least no one can accuse me of not being fair.

Thanks for understanding and I will be posting some of items that Anonymous sent in. PatriotUSA

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Findalis said...

Why bother? By his/her/its use of foul language, Anonymous is functionally illiterate.

PatriotUSA said...

I should probably know better but
this is the one and only test.
The majority of ANONYMOUS
commenters are indeed, illiterate
and cowards.