
We con the world. By The Flotilla Choir

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Dixon Webb said...

Patriot . . It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. The Israeli's need support now more than ever before. Contrary to the pretty painted tourist pictures, Israeli citizens are few in number, and they live in a very small target area.

As nuclear proliferation advances, Israel's nuclear option will soon no longer protect them. The desert Muslim world is becoming more and more able to overpower Israel defenses before they can make a retaliatory strike of their own.

So, the Israeli ability to defend themselves has been slowly chipped away. . . . at the same time the historical and firm American support has fallen into the hands of a clueless liberal American administration. An administration that can be correctly characterized as anti-Semetic and pro the Islamic states.

An atomic first strike won't help, and peaceful blockades won't either. With Iran, Syria, and Turkey as the enemy, gearing up for a land war would be suicide.
Expecting any support from the United Nations would also be a terminal mistake. For Israel, it is getting more difficult to find options. Perhaps their best bet now is probably to:

1. Seek and obtain a more favorable world wide opinion of the Israeli nation.

2. Stop the petty in-house arguing and engage the entire world wide Jewish intelligensa on the means to promote national friendships.

3. Establish public relations outlets (radio/tv/press) to counter the Al Jazeera types.

Hurry my friends.

PatriotUSA said...

All great suggestions but there
may not be time. Obama is doing
all he can to divide Israel and
Jerusalem to those who will never
be satisfied until Israel is laid
to waste and as many Jews as
possible are killed. Israel most
likely has WMD that no one knows
about as they have never tipped
their hand to acknowledge what
they actually have. Damn good
thing, too.