
Calling for the killing of White babies in South Africa: really sick

Some may take offense that I am posting such a feed as this next article but I have always believed that there are two sides to every story and Southern Africa is no exception. One can almost say the tables have been reversed and that those who supported and kept the apartheid system for so long are reaping what they have sown from their past history. South Africa, Zimbabwe, Somalia and so many other states in Africa are in turmoil and on the edge of what may be an all out war, or civil war.

Calling for the killing of ANY babies is just plain sick and demented. The Nazis were great at wiping out entire families from newborns to the elderly. Islam has history in this area of genocide and instilling terror into those you want to persecute, subjugate or just wipe the entire race out. This can be found in many parts of the world but it usually is under the current of the main stream. Not in South Africa, as I have been learning from doing quite a bit of reading about before and after apartheid. There are no gruesome pictures in this post. Just some outrageous calling for the death of white babies. This is so wrong on so many levels. The article laid out a bit 'funny' but should be all right to read.

Blacks call for the Extermination of White South Africans - One Bullet, One Baby - Murder the White Babies!

By: JanOlifant

This is just another instance where blacks are rallying and promoting extermination of South Africa's White minority. The calls by Mr Sodo to kill White babies is one that strikes horror and reflects to crazed mentality that is seeing dozens of Whites being exterminated in South Africa every week. Not only is this a case of incitement to violence, and hate speech among others, but this is clearly a case of TERRORISM! Thats right, according to states such as the United States and United Kingdom, Terrorism is an act which seeks to strike terror into a population by acts of violence (or threat thereof) for political purposes.

Now, when Mr Sodo calls for white babies to be murdered, mothers and parents especially fear for the lives of their children, terrorizing countless White families, all so that Mr Sodo can achieve some sick political goal (extermination of whites). I call on South Africans to report Mr Sodo to the South African Police on charges of hate speech and incitement to extreme violence. It is a fact that when such messages of incitement are broadcasted, they are acted out, as was the recent case involving Malema's call to Murder Boers...which to no surprise led to an increase in farm attacks. Acts of Racial Terrorism is being carried out against South Africa's White's! We demand action!!

What is even more worrying is the fact that when brave people such as Mr Kriek attempt to expose these CRIMES, they are being threatened and called names, namely by Mr Andile Motama a columnist for the Mail & Guardian. Janolifant]
[I've heard a variant of this before, from America where they say the whites should be killed, dug up out of their graves and killed again. This is no doubt inspiration for this black racist. This guy should be investigated to see what his political affiliations are an if he is a member of the ANC Youth League perhaps. I would not be surprised if this were so. He might be a student and follower of Julius Malema. Jan]

May 30 2010 - “It’s with utter disgust that I once again see how black youths promoting violence and the genocide of the Afrikaner whites in South-Africa. I now present the latest case of black-on-white racism by one Mr Nceba Sodo. This individual has published three notes under his personal facebook profile and since he sees it necessary to promote racism, his three notes will be published here with explanations’ from me on the topic. The comment under these notes have been screenshot-saved and will also be displayed underneath each note,” writes Mr Jean Kriek, the leader of the Freedom Front Plus youth branch in Gauteng on his facebook page:

Mr Kriek writes that he has already phoned Mr. Nceba Sodo’s employers (Safmarine in Port Elizabeth) and “have demanded that appropriate action is taken in regards to this case. I will also be opening a case against Mr. Nceba Sodo for hate speech. “

Kind Regards and God bless !
Jean Kriek
FF+ Gauteng Youth

"n Colomist vir die Mail & Gaurdian n Mnr Andile Motama het my nou net geskakel oor my artikel oor Nceba Sodo se rasissme tenoor wit mense. Hy het my gedreig dat as eenigiets met Nceba gebeur ek persoonlik verantwoordelikheid gaan vat en dat hulle hulself sal verdedig. Hy het my n wit rassis hobo genoem oor ek opstaan ...vir vryheid en geregtigheid in n Republiek wat belowe dat rassisme iets van die verlede is."- Mr Jean Kriek


This is Mr Nceba Sodo. He posted the hatespeech messages and photographs below.







 A picture of a white baby with the comment of Mr. Nceba Sodo that “What can we (blacks) do to protect our kids from these little young white babies who will soon grow up and oppress and kill our black babies ?”

  Here follows the comments from Nceba Sodo and his Facebook members:”

Nceba Sodo: What can we do to protect our black babies from these future oppressors and racists????

Mfundo Dlungwane: “We have no choice but to kill the white babies, simply because they are goin to grow and oppress our babies, so we kill the white babies. When the rite time comes we’ll chop their heads off and they became headless little racist. ‘in the bible it says the sins of the fathers will fall onto the next generation,” we’’ ll be not only liberating what belongs to us, but also fulfilling prophecy, you know what I’m sayin…’

Nceba Sodo: “Well said Mfundo. The Bible says: ‘you shall reap what you sow.’ The seed of racism, hatred, colonialism and Apartheid was sown yesterday and today is the harvest time, so let the white infants/babies reap the harvest that their forefathers have planted. I fully agree with you, kill them before they grow and oppress our babies.’

Mfundo Dlungwane - “Amen, Aluta continues. It ain’t over till we even… One bullet one white infant’ .

Nceba Sodo: “One bullet one white infant, one rope one sellout’


                                  Eugene Terre Blanche


4 Comments - Share Yours!:

WomanHonorThyself said...

sick sick...what's going on with Israel is un real ..see how Hussein O has shown his true colors?...ugh!..hope alls well!

PatriotUSA said...

It is not surprising, just
makes me mad. I look forward to
the day that the first Muslim
POTUS has his nuts cut off in
November and even more so when
he is no longer the POTUS.

Israel had every right to take
on the terrorist flotilla that
was was a 'turkish delight.'
Next time Israel will not take
them for granted.

Anonymous said...

12 SA leaders are now being investigated for genocide and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court in The Hague:

President Jacob Zuma,
Julius Malema (ANCYL),
Nathi Mthethwa (Police Minister),
Bheki Cele (Police Chief),
Jackie Selebi (former National Police Commissioner),
Tina Joemat Peterson (Minsiter of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries),
Lindiwe Sisulu (Minister of Defense and Military Veterans),
Siyabonga Cwele (Intelligence Minister),
Ronnie Kasrils (Former Minister of Intelligence)
Gwede Mantashe (ANC Secretary-General),
Gugile Nkwinti (Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform),
Pali Lehohla (Statistician-General)





Anonymous said...

The CIA, FBI, NSA, Homeland Security and everyone else you've got should keep track of the types in this video. He is in fact inciting genocide (which is a punishable offense, see GenocideWatch.org) and all those agreeing so loudly are condoning it. Perhaps they will even take part.

Something else you can have a post about, is the jihadis that are inciting genocide of whites:





On the subject of 'sick': This video shows a muslim woman inciting the rape and molestation of Israeli girls. According to her, this is acceptable because they should not be there and since they don't have a say about it, it makes them equal to muslim women.

Also see:

As for Israel, they were set up with flotilla thing.