
Back up to speed after more ISP service fun.

Sorry about the Absence the last couple of days but we had massive internet problems that resulted in our ISP actualy having to come out and do a service call. They found that woodpeckers had wrecked the incoming line and old style splitters and filters that were not helping the signal get through. Seems all is better but will wait for a few days to declare victory. So I will be back to posting later tonight, if all remians working. What a pain!

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Findalis said...

Oh how I know the pan! Welcome Back!

PatriotUSA said...

Thank you Findalis!! Woodpeckers,
and to think we have fed them
for years. The original lines
for cable and internet are now
well over 15 years old so our
ISP provider replaced almost
all of it, after two months of
phone calls and emails. I finally
got through to the president and
manager of the company. They were
out here less than 12 hours later,
all at N/C. Good thing for them.