
Summing up Islam and Muslim heritage in America.

From Seaspook's Rants. Summing it up about Islam quite well.

America's Rich Muslim Heritage

9/11 is all I need to know about Isalm!

Author unknown:

Barack Obama, in his Cairo speech, said: "I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America 's story."(No, it really has not!)

Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed? Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians.

Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and Native American Indians.

Can you show me one Muslim signature on the United States Constitution?

Declaration of Independence ?

Bill of Rights?

Didn't think so.

Did Muslims fight for this country's freedom from England ? No.

Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America ? No, they did not. In fact, Muslims to this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery. Your own half brother, a devout Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as "pug nosed slaves." Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your family's "rich Islamic heritage," doesn't it Mr. Obama?

Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country? Not present.

There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr. or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.

Where were Muslims during this country's Woman's Suffrage era? Again, not present. In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men in the Islamic culture. So much so, that often they are beaten for not wearing the 'hajib' or for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband. Yep, the Muslims are all for women's rights, aren't they?

Where were Muslims during World War II? They were aligned with Adolf Hitler. The Muslim grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the troops and accepted support from the Nazi's in killing Jews.

Finally, Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001? If they weren't flying planes into the World Trade Center , the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle East . No one can dispute the pictures shown from all parts of the Muslim world celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news networks that day. Strangely, the very "moderate" Muslims who's asses you bent over backwards to kiss in Cairo , Egypt on June 4th were stone cold silent post 9-11. To many Americans, their silence has meant approval for the acts of that day.

And THAT, Mr. Obama, is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here in America .

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates. They were Muslim.

And now we can add November 5, 2009 - the slaughter of American soldiers at Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a doctor and a psychiatrist who was supposed to be counseling soldiers returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan ..

That, Mr. Obama is the "Muslim heritage" in America .


Now that you have read the above here is how I feel about Islam:
By PatriotUSA

It is the most dangerous ideology, crisis(not a religion!)that we have faced since Hitler was leading Germany into ruin. Islam is a perverted, twisted cradle to grave way of life that strips the individual of all dignity, individual thought, and choices for a lifetime. Islam is filled with lies, deception, persecution, subjugation of women, anger, violence, destruction of any and all that stand in Islam's way of establsihing a global Islamic caliphate. Islam calls it's followers to force those who refuse to convert to Islam into a dhimmi way of life, living just better than a dog, heavy taxation, badgering to convert and ultimately death for failure to convert to Islam. Muslims refuse and will never be able to assimilate into our western culture. All Islamic immigration should be banned and every effort made to deport as many Muslims as possible. Mosques should under survellance and any Muslim organizations should be investigated and monitored. Muslims who swear alligance to Allah and the Qur'an should be banned from holding any public office. The Qur'an should be banned as a terrorist handbook. There should be no government funds given to any Muslim or Islamic groups. Any 'Muslim only schools' must teach the same curriculum as public and charter schools in that region. If the Qur'an is to be used then the Bible, Holy Scriptures and other books of real and true religions must be given equal teaching time. Any Muslims schools must and will be monitored to make sure violence and anti-Semitism are not taught. English will be the primary language and those needing to learn English must go into an immersion program first. I think everyone gets the picture. I will close with this and it is true: Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims.

If you want to call me a racist, and Islamophobe, Counter Jihadist(I am and proud to be CJ), or whatever name you want to call me, so be it. It has happened before and will happen many more times. I do not care. What I care about is stopping Islam and preserving our country. That means getting rid of the Mullah Obamaham, the first Muslim President of the United States, the demosocialistacrats, progressives who are ruining our country. Those who believe in three toxic stews of scoiety; Political Correctness, Diversity and Multiculturalism must be shoved aside and marginalized for the preservation of the country. They have been destroying this country for the last 80 plus years.

Thanks to Seaspook's Rants

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