
LTC Allen West is praised in Denmark and rightfully so

LTC Allen West is an individual I am very impressed with. He is very well educated on the issues that we, as a country are facing. He is a student of global affairs and is very well informed on all the topics and issues that he talks about. One would think that he would be known in this country for sure, but he has been noticed in Europe as this next post will show you. West is running for congress in Florida's 22nd district. I really hope he will be up for run at the presidency in 2012. Who knows? Look what an incompetent, arrogant, inexperienced Muslim that this country is stuck with right now. LTC West is not the assinine, arrogant and idiot that Obama is. West is quite the opposite. There is hope and we need more politicians like LTC Allen West. This is swiped form Gates Of Vienna.

A Danish Tribute to LTC Allen West
By Baron Bodissey

Our Danish correspondent TB has kindly translated the piece for Gates of Vienna, and includes this introduction:

Morten U. Jensen’s post about Col. Allen West was published in Jyllands-Posten, Denmark’s biggest newspaper, on May 20. Mr. Jensen writes a lot of commentary, and is a well known debater in Denmark. His latest book was about the influence of Muslim immigration on the free Danish society. It was called A Divided People, referring to the devastating influence of the Islamic influx in Denmark. The book has been read by many high-ranking politicians and leaders.

And the translated article:

Allen B. West
By Morten Uhrskov Jensen

If you are lucky enough to be an American citizen and at the same time a resident of the 22nd District in Florida, then you have a unique opportunity at the midterm elections for the American Congress in November to vote for a politician who belongs in a class of his own.

Allen B. West served the U.S. Army for 22 years, but after having treated an Iraqi terrorist — who withheld information that could save the lives of his fellow troopers — a little hard, he had to submit his resignation. Allen B. West supports the American Tea Party Movement, which aims to protect the American Constitution and the principles upon which it is built; namely a nation of patriotic citizens who want to defend their country and the free society they have achieved.

With his African-American background it probably carries a special weight when Allen B. West states that the accusations of racism in the Tea Party Movement have been constructed by the liberal critics and the mainstream media.

Why should we support him?

We should because this man has everything that almost all of our European politicians lack; namely the sense of history. Just read what he said recently about a thwarted terrorism attempt in New York:

“You want to dig up Charles Martel and ask him why he was fighting the Muslim army at the Battle of Tours in 732? You want to ask the Venetian fleet at Lepanto why they were fighting a Muslim fleet in 1571? You want to ask…the Germanic and Austrian knights why they were fighting at the gates of Vienna in 1683? You want to ask people what happened at Constantinople and why today it is called Istanbul because they lost that fight in 1453?
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“You need to get into the Koran…and understand their precepts. This is not a perversion. They are doing exactly what this book says. Until you get principled leadership in the United States of America that is willing to say that, we will continue to chase our tail, because we will never clearly define who this enemy is, and then understand their goals and objectives-which (are) on any jihadist website-and then come up with the right (and) proper objectives to not only secure our Republic but secure Western civilization.”


That’s the way a politician speaks when he does not think about the next election but about the next generation. That’s the way an honest man talks when he knows that history and culture mean something, and that it matters who gets to define reality.

Oh my, could our petite-politicians learn something from Allen B. West.

Link to original article

Thanks to Gates of Vienna.

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