
The latest from India

With all that is going on around the globe, here in our own country, it is easy to forget about India and the orient. Here is a really a good post from China Confidential on the latest from India. The situation in India is very complex and can be somewhat confusing at times. India is one Israel's strongest allies and very good business partner. It works both ways between India and Israel. India has had it's share of problems with Islam over the course of India's history. In fact, there are not too many countries, cultures,societies, and true religions that have not been attacked by Islam over the last 1400 years. India is a rising star in the world. Hope this is of interest to you all. It is China Confidential who has had the best coverage on this. News all but ignored by the MSM both here and abroad.

India Offers Talks Amid Maoist Shutdown

India's Maoist rebels have shut down five states for 48 hours, as reported here and in the above video clip.

At the same time, India says it is willing to enter into peace talks with the increasingly bold insurgents if they halt attacks for 72 hours. Click here for the story.

The Maoist uprising in India is a big, important story that has largely been ignored or underreported by foreign media (except for China Confidential).

Thanks to China Confidential

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