
“just say no to jihad”. NO! SAY NO TO ISLAM

Those of you who wander in here on a regular basis know how much I like and respect Gates Of Vienna. The Baron and Dymphna are two of the best around the ole' blogging world. True Counter Jihadists, extremely wise and well educated scholars, as honest and honorable as you will find. This next post is by Dymphna. She is commenting on the administrations chief Dhimmi: John Brennan and Andrew McCarthy's new book: The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America. The post is a long one but please read it all and consider picking up a copy of the book. Father's day is right around the corner.

"The president’s “top counterterrorism adviser”, John Brennan, opines that we should “just say no to jihad”.

This is excellent timing: just as Andrew McCarthy’s book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America is released, this Leftist government lackey tells us why we shouldn’t use the term (and why this Islamic administration won’t be using it, either):

“…because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one’s community.”(How wrong and disgusting is this?)

Who needs terror when America has as its president a man whose parents combined both ideologies in one convenient family package, all the easier for metabolizing by their son. Obama's father was a Muslim; his mother, a Leftist radical. They both hated America. Unfortunately, the offspring of their union seems to have the same perspective as his parents.

Those family antecedents wouldn’t be so bad if this man weren’t the President of the United States of America. But he is, and Obama is dismantling the work of many generations. Not that he hasn’t had help. George Bush’s proclamation that “Islam is a religion of peace” makes him our First Dhimmi President. Obama is not a dhimmi; he’s part of the Ummah - or, if you’re a Leftist, the Utopia - which is the ideology we’re stuck with for the moment. He's been in office long enough now for us to discern his true allegiance. It ain't us.

All we can do is limit his damage, expose his lies and deceptions, and not get side-tracked by his thuggish Chicago political mask. Would that he were merely a Chicago pol. But he’s much more than that and the fight against those he installs to help bring us down will have to fought by all of us, in whatever ways we can. Agreed, no one reading this is part of the elitist ruling class. However, it is good to remember that we outnumber them.

It’s a matter of strategy and keeping your wits about you. Some people you simply have to write off as useless or harmful. But there are others, lots of them. I know this because they email us asking “what can I do?”

The Grand Jihad Has Arrived
By Dymphna

Gates of Vienna: Synchronicity.

The president’s “top counterterrorism adviser”, John Brennan, opines that we should “just say no to jihad”.

This is excellent timing: just as Andrew McCarthy’s book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America is released, this Leftist government lackey tells us why we shouldn’t use the term (and why this Islamic administration won’t be using it, either):

“…because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one’s community.”

Sure it is, Mr. Brennan. By the way, may I have some of whatever it is you’re smoking?

Investor’s Business Daily and The History News Network both agree that this administration spokesperson is being willfully blind.

First, IBD:

We’ve seen the enemy and it’s not just the jihadists. It’s also our own government, which refuses to see this very real enemy. How can we fight and defeat what we refuse to see?

The editorial hits the high spots with the Fort Hood Massacre (they don’t mention the lame report that followed, though), and then AG Holder’s pathetically funny inability to say “radical Islam”, plus the underwear bomber and the wanna-be-bomber in Times Square. As IBD points out:

Brennan could benefit from talking to people who have actually been on the front lines fighting jihadists.


It’s plain that Brennan has been told by Muslim leaders what jihad does or doesn’t mean without finding out for himself.

Yes, and those “Muslim leaders” hold positions in our own government bureaucracy, determined to hollow us out using front men like Brennan.

Judith Apter Klinghoffer writes about the same issue and expands on the Leftism theme:

Anyone who needed added proof of the ongoing Leftist-Islamist alliance needs look no further than John Brennan, the terror Tsar who has repeatedly failed to keep us safe from Muslims trying to kill us in the name of Jihad.

I thought he was merely incompetent. After all, four security breaches in such a short period is a terrible record by any measure. I now realize that he is…a member of a leftist administration actively cooperating with Islamists in line with the old dictum that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, as Jean Bricmont recommended in 2006 when he suggested that the left put aside its scruples and join the Islamists’ anti-Western side.


Misleading Americans about al Qaeda’s Islamist ideology is a threat to US national security …John Brennan seeks to actively disarm America by downplaying the threats posed by Islamists openly waging war against her. [my emphasis here - D]

Which brings us to Mr. McCarthy’s new book, his second volume on jihad.
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The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America fits Ms. Klinghoffer’s thesis, i.e., that the Left and Islam are cooperating to bring America to its knees. That is the American Left she means, not just the statists in Europe.

McCarthy’s publisher, Encounter Books (see previous post on their efforts), has a short review. Here is part of it:

The real threat to the United States is not terrorism. The real threat is the sophisticated forces of Islamism, which have collaborated with the American Left not only to undermine U.S. national security but to shred the fabric of American constitutional democracy-freedom and individual liberty.


McCarthy is the former federal prosecutor who convicted the notorious “Blind Sheikh” and other jihadists for waging a terrorist war that included the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. In his national bestseller, Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad (Encounter 2008), he explored government’s conscious avoidance of the terrorist threat, which made the nation vulnerable to mass-murder attacks. In The Grand Jihad he exposes a more insidious peril: government’s active suppression of the Islamist ideology that unabashedly vows to “conquer America.”

Obviously, we haven’t read what Mr. McCarthy has to say. This new one has only been out since May 25th; besides our budget doesn’t include books anymore or I’d be devouring it right now!(Check the tip cup, Dymphna. Me thinks you and the Baron can get Mr. McCarthy's book now. PatriotUSA)

However, the reviews at Amazon are informative (Even there, though, you can find one Lefty troll. The other reviewers take him apart for not really reading the book but simply panning it). One fellow, who leads off the customer reviews, seems to have read The Great Jihad. I am going to excerpt from his very long review because he is a Muslim and he gets it.

On the Review Page he says:

As one who was raised in a muslim country in a muslim family and society, I often find books by westerners trying to describe islam through western paradigms to fail to grasp the reality of islam. Finally someone breaks through all the political correctness and presents true islam as clearly compatible with Jihad…

This author rightly presents the reality that many wonderful muslim neighbors do not want sharia law! They are muslim culturally because their parents were muslims, but they want to be able to walk in public with members of opposite sex, play chess, play soccer, have a drink every now & then, have fun and live a happy life.


Under President Bush, even the muslims who succeeded in blowing up the towers on 9/11 were given muslim freedoms to continue to read the quran and live by the islamic sharia law while in prison.


Sadly, under hussein obama , we have accelerated our downfall as president obama has opened the door for muslim terrorists to believe they now have the strong upper hand and multiple terrorist attacks in America only failed because of The Grace of God. Shockingly hussein obama told the world that America is one of the largest muslim nations in the world and disavowed all Christian connections of the early founders of America.


This book will trouble the politically correct and western minded intellectuals who do not understand islam or those who are fooled by quotes of earlier quran revelations that were abrogated/overruled by the prophet of islam himself once he had the power to establish sharia law.


For us to win the battle against terror, we must first agree on the honest root cause well documented in this book, so we can finally address the tough needed solution for peace in our lands for all people! To have our troops die on the battlefield only to then establish sharia law and even open a center to promote sharia law where 9/11 muslims succeeded is utter foolishness that will lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocent around the world.

NOTE: no opinions put into the comments section about this person practicing taqiyya will be left standing. That’s an easy lob, too easy; it’s also a dead end in terms of forwarding the discussion. In addition, dismissing his views as lies does a disservice to someone who obviously spent a long time thoughtfully and sincerely exposing Islam in his review.

Another reviewer, one of Amazon’s “Top Fifty” says:

The title of Andrew McCarthy’s new book isn’t something he made up, it is taken from a 1990s document from a “mainstream” “non-violent” Muslim organization describing their long term goal of hollowing out Western culture using its own values of tolerance and religious freedom. Note that Islamic countries do NOT allow tolerance and religious freedom in anything like the Western manner. And their two holiest cities are closed to us non-Muslims because we are unworthy to enter such holy places. Once they have hollowed out Europe, America, and other nations, they can fill the void with Sharia, which is the Muslim law and turn these nations into Islamic countries and their Grand Jihad will have achieved victory. Note that terror is not necessarily part of this strategy. [my emphasis -D]

Who needs terror when America has as its president a man whose parents combined both ideologies in one convenient family package, all the easier for metabolizing by their son. Obama's father was a Muslim; his mother, a Leftist radical. They both hated America. Unfortunately, the offspring of their union seems to have the same perspective as his parents.

Those family antecedents wouldn’t be so bad if this man weren’t the President of the United States of America. But he is, and Obama is dismantling the work of many generations. Not that he hasn’t had help. George Bush’s proclamation that “Islam is a religion of peace” makes him our First Dhimmi President. Obama is not a dhimmi; he’s part of the Ummah - or, if you’re a Leftist, the Utopia - which is the ideology we’re stuck with for the moment. He's been in office long enough now for us to discern his true allegiance. It ain't us.

All we can do is limit his damage, expose his lies and deceptions, and not get side-tracked by his thuggish Chicago political mask. Would that he were merely a Chicago pol. But he’s much more than that and the fight against those he installs to help bring us down will have to fought by all of us, in whatever ways we can. Agreed, no one reading this is part of the elitist ruling class. However, it is good to remember that we outnumber them.

It’s a matter of strategy and keeping your wits about you. Some people you simply have to write off as useless or harmful. But there are others, lots of them. I know this because they email us asking “what can I do?”

That is the question for all of us. It is good to have another book out there, reminding us of the danger we face. Mr. McCarthy’s in-depth experience with these killers in court gives him a good edge. Let us learn from what he has to say.

We’ve now had enough experience with our current president to know that he is no friend of liberty or of his own country. It is chilling to consider the depth of his disdain for the people he was elected to serve.

As best we can, we spread the word. Remember Peter Drucker’s dictum about dialogue: communication is the act of the recipient. Thus, you have to keep not just the truth in mind, but first and foremost keep your audience in mind. Doing that effectively is a difficult, arduous task.

Perhaps we ought to begin by going back to read Machiavelli. As good a place to start as any. 
Link to the original article

1 Comments - Share Yours!:

Holger Awakens said...


I concur completely with you regarding Gates of Vienna - what a truly inspirational site of counter-jihad. They have consistently stayed on message for years now while others have either lost their spine or flip-flopped completely.