
Henry Waxman Wants Tracking Devices on All Cars

Gary Fouse

"Oh, Henry...track me, track me"

Democratic Representative Henry Waxman (CA), also known as "Handsome Henry", has come up with yet another bonehead idea. This time, he wants to require that every car in the land be equipped with a "black box" recorder that would track our whereabouts as we are driving (to those tea parties, I suppose).

Believe it or not, Comrade Waxman is reportedly working on legislation that would produce a system like On-Star to be placed on all cars. That way, Handsome Henry will know where every car in the land is at any given moment.

Naturally, this would produce countless new government jobs. Green jobs no less! Think how many bureaucrats it would take to monitor all the cars in America.

Keep in mind, this is the same aparatchnik who has been pushing that "Fairness Doctrine" that would basically destroy talk radio by smothering radio stations with regulations and lawsuits.

How's that "Hope and Change" working for you, folks?

5 Comments - Share Yours!:

talnik said...

Just because he got made fun of in high school we all have to suffer. For G*d's sake, he represents the district with the most talented plastic surgeons on the planet. Why doesn't he use one?

Ron Russell said...

Sounds pretty far out to me. Wonder what he really wants to track, just perhaps how many miles we drive so they can tax us for unnecessary driving--that's probably the main reason.

Gary Fouse said...

He doesn't need looks. He has power.

WomanHonorThyself said...

hope and change..more like death and destruction my friend!

PatriotUSA said...

The state I live, the liberals
and idiot governor have wanted to
do this for years. They
have a 'pilot program'
testing these devices right
now. Every time you
fill up your car, it will figure
the 'TAX' on how many miles you have driven.

Pretty sick and no
amount of plastic surgery
could ever fix Waxman or
Pelosi. Ewww!