
New U.S. coin does not have 'In God We Trust" on it.

Here is some news on the U.S. coin that has come out. Omitted is "In God We Trust." I noticed this when I got one as change a couple of weeks ago.

Don't Accept New U.S. Coin
Alan Caruba

Warning Signs, This is a photo of a new U.S. coin. It lacks the words "In God We Trust" and, if enough Americans refuse to accept it, eventually the U.S. Mint will take it out of circulation.

You can thank the godless Obama administration for this one. One wonders how long it will be before he wants to put an image of Che Guevera on new quarters or fifty-cent pieces?

Like a lot of AMERICANS, I grow more weary and wary of Obama with every passing day.

Hat tip: Alan Caruba and Warning Signs

3 Comments - Share Yours!:

Daphne Angelus said...

This is so not cool...

PatriotUSA said...

This is what this administration
wants; a Godless, souless society
where everyone is the same.

What's next, drab, gray clothes
that look alike like China?

Anonymous said...

This is an OLD article. The Pennsylvania Mint struck several dollar coins (George Washington coins) in 2007 without the rim writing and the "In God We Trust" by accident! If you find one of these coins save it. Its worth around 50.00 right now.