My Allah Is Better
From Winds of Jihad Sheik YerMami
Allahu Akhbar!
Allahu Akhbar!
Allahu Akhbar!
Allahu Akhbar!
Allahu Akhbar!
My Allah is better than yours!
Yes, my Allah is better than yours!
My Allah is better than yours!
Yes, my Allah is better than yours!
My religion is better than yours!
Yes, my religion is better than yours!
Allahu Akhbar!
Allahu Akhbar!
Kill the Infidels! Kill the Jews!
Kill the Christians! Make the news!
Cut off a head for Al-Jazeera!
Allahu Akhbar!
Cut off a head for Al-Jazeera!
Allahu Akhbar!
Cut off a head for Al-Jazeera!
Allahu Akhbar!
Cut off a head for Al-Jazeera!
Sons of monkeys! Sons of swine!
I’m gonna make your country mine!
Koran! Balaklava! AK-47!
Fifty pounds of dynamite, blow yourself to heaven!
Seventy-two virgins, what you gonna do?
Your dick’s blown off, how you gonna screw?
Bang, Bang! Boom, Boom! AK-47!
Blow yourself up and go to heaven!
It’s all written in the Koran!
Allahu Akhbar!
That dirty book for every moron!
Allahu Akhbar!
It’s all written in the Koran!
Allahu Akhbar!
That dirty book for every moron!
Do your camel! Do your donkey!
Do your goat and fuck your monkey!
Sons of monkeys! Sons of swine!
I’m gonna make your country mine!
Hijack! Car bombs! Kill the Jews!
Kill the Christians! Make the news!
Get your picture on Al-Jazeera!
Allahu Akhbar!
Iwant my picture on Al-Jazeera!
Allahu Akhbar!
Get your picture on Al-Jazeera!
Allahu Akhbar!
I want my picture on Al-Jazeera!
My Allah is better than yours!
Yes, my Allah is better than yours!
My Allah is better than yours!
Yes, my Allah is better than yours!
My religion is better than yours!
Yes, my religion is better than yours!
Kill the Infidels! Kill the Jews!
Kill the Christians! Make the news!
Cut off a head for Al-Jazeera!
Allahu Akhbar!
Cut off a head for Al-Jazeera!
Allahu Akhbar!
It’s all written in the Koran!
Allahu Akhbar!
That dirty book for every moron!
Al lahu Akhbar!
Cut off a head for Al-Jazeera!
Allahu Akhbar!
Cut off a head for Al-Jazeera!
Allahu Akhbar!
It’s all written in the Koran!
Allahu Akhbar!
That dirty book for every moron!
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