Along The Watchtower #1 Obamacare and student loans
I find it worrisome that Congress has revised the college loan program and without debate added it to the health care bill. The revision moves the private sector student loan program to a federal entity. I oppose this on two counts. One is that it will be costly. Can government workers, with their high pay, generous perks and casual work hours, service a loan program at less cost than the private sector? Of course not.
The second concern is the most insidious aspect of this plan. It puts the student’s debt under governmental control along with the ability to decide how that debt is to be repaid. Let me remind you of a statement Obama made on the campaign trail: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Would the administration forgive a student’s debt in exchange for the student serving in the Obama civilian security cadre? It’s plausible.
Some of you may accuse me of believing into many of the conspiracies that are out there right now in this age of dope and change. No, I am not one to jump into these but with the government now in control of these loans, I do not see this far out of the realm of Obama and his new world order that he is forcing upon the free citizens of this still great country. The way the loans program was piggybacked onto the healthcare bill is but one travesty of Obamacare. The other travesty is that few people knew about this until after the bll had been
I am not into conspiracies. It’s just that I believe deeply in the power and wisdom of individuals and hold a general skepticism of centralized governmental power. I am particularly skeptical of this administration’s intentions. This last year has given me all the proof I need to know about this admisnistration and that it does not care about you or me, just Obama's legacy upon the back of his serfs.
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