
Yvonne Ridley Persona Non Grata in India

Gary Fouse

Yvonne Ridley

You can't say you heard it here first because I just got wind of it myself, but Yvonne Ridley was planning to attend a Muslim women's' conference in India back in January. Only problem was-they wouldn't let her in.

So who is Yvonne Ridley, you ask?

You don't want to know.

However, it is my tiresome duty to tell you that she is a radical British journalist who tried to enter Afghanistan when the allied coalition invaded that country after
9-11. She was quickly captured and held by the Taliban for several days then eventually released. She returned to Britain and subsequently converted to Islam. Since then, she has been a vocal critic of Israel, the US and everything else she can think of.

Except folks like the Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic of Iran for whom she is a correspondent on their English-language propaganda outlet Press TV.

Some weeks ago, I posed some questions to Ms Ridley on her website about her casual dismissal of the Taliban as a bunch of curmudgeonly old farts and outright support of Iran given that the former used to execute women in soccer stadiums while the latter still hangs people for the "crime" of being homosexual. She, of course, never responded although I know she has read my humble little blog in the past and once sent me a dopey comment about Israel.

Oh yes, I read somewhere that she recently went on one of those feed Hamas convoys to Gaza under the banner of Viva Palestina...

with this boob (George Galloway).

So now, the Indians have shown the good sense to decide that they don't need people like Ridley in their country. Sort of makes you wonder when we'll wake up.

1 Comments - Share Yours!:

PatriotUSA said...

I wonder if we will wake up.
India has had it fill of problems
with Islamic terrorism and after
Mumbai I was surprised they did
not lay waste to Pakistan.

As to Ms. Ridley; she is a nasty
viper if there ever was one. When
I think of her the word TRAITOR
comes up right away. Her words and
actions are all one needs, to see
what a post she is.