
Islamic hatred on blog from Muslim in Ontario, Canada.

This is what happens when anti-semitism is allowed to run unchecked under the guises of diversity, PCness and multiculturalism. I do not recall too many Christians or Jews calling out and announcing such vile hatred. So where we will this go, and how far will Canada and the WEST go to stomp out Islamic hatred that is now becoming so popular and prevalent?

Toronto man investigated again for hate writings

Stewart Bell, National Post Canada

“It’s pretty hard to believe that in the 21st century there is a blogger right here in Canada who calls for the genocide of the Jewish people," says Bernie Farber, of the Canadian Jewish Congress.

TORONTO -- Just months after Ontario decided not to charge a Toronto man with hate crimes, partly because he was undergoing rehabilitation, he is again being investigated over his online writings on a website called Filthy Jewish Terrorists.

Police are probing Salman Hossain's recent postings on the Arizona-based Internet site on which he writes harshly about Jews, Christians and moderate Canadian Muslims, whom he calls "traitors."

He refers to Jews as "diseased and filthy," "the scum of the earth," "psychotic" and "mass murderers" and writes that "a genocide should be perpetrated against the Jewish populations of North America and Europe."

In addition, he blames Jews for terrorist plots, such as the Toronto 18 bomb conspiracy, which was the work of Islamist extremists. He also praises God for "the victorious resistance operations" in Afghanistan.

Abbee Corb of the Hate Crimes Extremism Investigative Team, which is made up of representatives of 13 Ontario municipal police forces, confirmed yesterday that an investigation was underway. Continue reading

National Post

Hate Israel Week at York University

Hat tip: Jihad Watch

Anti-Semitism is passed down by 'family'

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Ron Russell said...

The old anti-semitism from Nazi Germany is alive and well in the great schools of Canada and the United States---something that seldom raised it's ugly head in the 1950's and '60's. Things have changed and the new campus radicals are pro-muslim and anti-Israel. Israel is seen as the child of western colonialism and therefore hated by the left and the muslims well they are seen as the victims of colonialism.

PatriotUSA said...

I wonder where and when it will stop Ron, if it does at all this time. I fear we are headed down a road paved with the deaths of thousands, maybe millions of innocent people before all
is said and done.

The progressive agenda planted
in the 1960's and 1970's
is bearing very rotten
fruit across the USA, Canada
and Europe. It is a matter
of what event tips the cart
over and into the fire.