
The end result of liberal, progressive, regressive, diversity and multicultural education policies.

In 1954 Brown vs. Board was fought out and the end result was the dismantling of segregation in our schools. What else did it bring us, after 2 billion dollars in aid to the Kansas City School district? Almost HALF of the schools will be closed and hundreds laid off from their jobs. One of the reasons for such a collapse is the fault of 'white flight' from the city to the suburbs. "The urban core has suffered white flight post-the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision Brown v. the Board of Education, blockbusting by the real estate industry, redlining by banks and other financial institutions, retail and grocery store abandonment," Brooks said. Do you just love it when it is 'whitey's' fault? But if one reads through the article then you will note the failure of the school board to enact cuts long before this debacle occurred. Such is the mentality of those in charge of education in this country from the NEA all the way down to the state level. Here is Oregon, our version is the OEA. Just a reminder about Oregon, The state recently passed two tax increase measures in January. The result? Less than two weeks later the state announced a huge shortfall in funding for schools and social services. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what will be coming next. Whether it be Kansas City, Detroit, or Oregon, this is a broken model. How much more proof must we have before this country really says NO MORE to the liberal agenda that has gotten to where we are today. Broken schools districts, cities and states from coast to coast. Keep in mind this is a PMSNBC article.

Schools to close in Kansas City, Mo., by fall

District votes to close 29 schools to address $50 million budget shortfall

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Kansas City's school superintendent said Thursday the plan to shutter nearly half the district's schools, while "painful," will move forward quickly so that all the closures will be complete by fall.

The board voted 5-4 after parents and community leaders made final pleas to spare the schools even as the beleaguered district seeks to erase a projected $50 million budget shortfall. Administrators say they had no choice because without them, the district would have been in the red by 2011.

"It has been a difficult and painful and emotional process that affects our entire community," superintendent John Covington said at a news conference. "No one likes closing schools."

Now officials have to focus on the massive job of downsizing the district — reworking school bus routes, figuring out what to do with vacant buildings and slashing its payroll.

Transition plan

Covington said he has been working on the transition plan for several weeks and that it would be in place for the start of the school year. He gave few details, but said the plan would likely involve staggering start and class schedule times for middle school students who would attend school with high school students.

"We will be moving forward with deliberate speed to put together a transformation plan that we will be using to make sure that the quality of educational opportunities and the services that we provide for all children in the Kansas City schools that will remain open is of high quality," Covington said.

Administrators have said the closures are necessary to keep the district from plowing through what little is left of the $2 billion it received as part of a groundbreaking desegregation case. Continue reading

Tags: 1954, Brown vs. Board, desegregation, Public education, USA, segregation, urban decay To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Ron Russell said...

Its true the inner city is collapsing in most major cities and despite efforts to curtail this the collapse continues. I've seen this up close and personal in several cities notability Little Rock, Arkansas. The area around Little Rock Central High School was at one time a nice middle class area, but began to go down hill after the Little Rock school crisis in 1956 and now that once proud neighborhood is broken and a haven for drug dealers, the same occurred in Jackson, Mississippi where many areas around the State capital are no longer safe at night. Millions of taxpayer dollars have been pumped into these urban areas with absolutely no results---white flight continues to this day.

PatriotUSA said...

Indeed it does. Look at Detroit.
They are thinking of razing parts of the city that look like Dresden
after it was bombed during WW2.
I feel sorry for many of our
teachers as they are honest, hard
working and really care about
America's kids. The education system is horribly broken and pumping massive amounts of money
is not the cure. We are living to
see that evidence right before our