
Denmark leading the way to stop excessive immigration into country

This is from Gates of Vienna. I decided to post the entire article as it also has the comments from kepiblanc, who is a regular contributor and commenter at Gates of Vienna. He sums it up quite nicely. "We don’t want any more Muslims in this country." If you are curious, you can use the google translation to read the original post from the Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten.

Denmark Tightens Immigration Rules
by Baron Bodissey

Once again, Denmark leads the way. Our Danish correspondent Kepiblanc has translated a brief report from Jyllands-Posten about the newest restrictions that have been imposed on immigration:

Further restrictions on immigration to Denmark

Today the Danish Government and its supporting party, the Danish People’s Party, signed an agreement further restricting laws on immigration to Denmark.

According to the Danish news agency Ritzau the agreement will impose harsher conditions on family reunions. Up until now spouses could not be granted reunion if they had received welfare benefits within one year. That period will be extended to three years.

Furthermore, the agreement will change the rules for asylum-seekers who want to visit their country of origin. If they do so — without special permission — they will be denied access to Denmark for ten years. Up until now, no such condition existed.

The right to vote

Foreigners’ right to vote in municipal elections will be changed. From now on such rights will be granted after four years, as opposed to three. The road to a permanent residence permit will be via a system of merit. Points are granted on such issues as the applicant’s ability to work, his language skills, and his willingness to engage in Danish social life.

It gets easier, too

Additionally, the Danish People’s Party and the government agreed to facilitate immigration in some respects. The Liberal Party, The Conservative Party and The Danish People’s Party will grant a permanent residence permit after only four years as opposed to the present seven years.

Kepiblanc adds this commentary:
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All of this bureaucratese translates as follows: We don’t want any more Muslims in this country.

The chapter on family reunions and spouses will first and foremost ruin the Ummah’s primary tactic of importing huge families whose members all live on the dole. And the Muslims’ habit of going “on vacation” to their various Barbaristans each year is history. And the few Muslims who actually vote at municipal elections are the most shrewd ones, the hard-core jihadists.

But the real culprit here is the chapter on “willingness to engage in social life” — which pretty much excludes all Muslims.

Finally, facilitating “in some respects” means easier entry for Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians, Poles, Americans and all other civilized and skilled people.

Hat tip: Gates of Vienna

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