
Cap and Trade in Oregon: Electric rates to go up 20% WTH???

Here in the most progressive, regressive state in the Union of 57 states, our electric rates may only go up by a mere 20%. Granted, the rates have not been raised yet. Rest assured the far left loons and libtarded progressives who run the state asylum known as Oregon, have beat the Obama administration in the rush to kill jobs and economic growth with the push to use 'alternative energy sources'. Our governor, Ted Kulingoski has pushed through a 'very green' energy agenda the last four years. As you read the article notice what it states about "the desire of customers and government regulators to expand Pacific Power's capacities for renewable-power generation." There is one coal fired plant here in Oregon and they want to kill it by 2015-2020. Talk about bad timing. Right after the debacle of passing Measures 66 and 67 which raised taxes on the rich(earning over $250,000 as a couple), and raising corporate taxes. Only the Demosocialistacrats would raise taxes, slam through high cost 'green energy' plans in a bad economy.

Scott Hammers
The Bulletin

Pacific Power customers could see their electricity bills climb by 20 percent next year if the Oregon Public Utility Commission approves the utility’s two recent requests for rate increases.

Spokeswoman Janice Mitchell said Pacific Power is seeking a rate increase of 7 percent to reflect the increased cost of electricity generation, and an increase of 13.3 percent to cover the cost of investments in expanded renewable power generation, the electrical transmission grid and emissions control at existing power plants. If approved, both increases would go into effect Jan. 1.

The increases would come just less than a year after Pacific Power’s most recent rate increase — a 4.6 percent increase went into effect for Oregon residents Feb. 2.

Mitchell said the investments in wind and hydropower generation reflect the desires of customers and government regulators, both of which are pushing utilities to expand their capacities for renewable-power generation. Pacific Power has already begun construction of many of the projects, she said, and delaying the rate increase to pay for them is not a viable option.

“We recognize that even though it’s a good long-term investment, there’s really no getting around the fact that it’s really horrible timing because of the economy,” Mitchell said.

Pacific Power is half of a partnership with Rocky Mountain Power. Together as PacifiCorp, the utility provides electricity to customers in Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho, Utah and Wyoming. Mitchell said the company is currently seeking rate increases in all six states.

Of the $2 billion in improvements tied to the rate increase, approximately 23.5 percent, or $470 million, will be spent in Oregon. The 553,000 Pacific Power customers in Oregon make up about 26 percent of the utility’s ratepayers.

The most visible projects will be in south-central Wyoming in the form of two large wind farms. The 28.5-megawatt McFadden Ridge 1 wind farm began generating power in September. The 111-megawatt Dunlap 1 wind farm is under construction and is expected to begin generating power in late 2010.

In Oregon, the largest project that would be funded as a result of the rate increase is at the North Umpqua Hydroelectric Project, located about 60 miles east of Roseburg. As a condition of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission decision to relicense the eight-dam complex in 2003, Pacific Power will be required to invest in a variety of projects to improve fish habitat in the immediate area.

No decision until 9 months at least
Bob Valdez, spokesman for the Oregon PUC, said it will be at least nine months before the commission issues a ruling on the rate increase requests. The commission will schedule public hearings on the rate increases around the state, including in Bend, he said, and invites public comments submitted through the PUC Web site.

Valdez said the commissioners have the option of considering the financial hardship on ratepayers when considering a rate increase and could elect to approve a smaller rate increase or to divide the increase over multiple years.

Tags: Cap and Trade, Oregon, tax increase, democrats, Ted Kulingoski, green energy, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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