
Battered citizen syndrome: There is still time for you to act!

"For Obamacare to work, we would have to trust ourselves to be monastically prudent in what we demand of the government agencies running health care, and trust our elected leaders to be more cost-effective, efficient, and honorable than any governing body has in human history.

As of the writing of this column, we’re still just courting the idea of handing over so much control of our lives to the federal government. No legislative vows have been exchanged. We still have time to walk away, and walk towards real solutions to the rising costs of health care."

From Voice in the Wilderness.
RJ Moeller

Battered Citizen Syndrome

My father has been a pastor and marriage counselor for nearly three decades and through the years has heard countless stories that go something like this:

Woman marries (or shacks up with) Man. Things are great for a while. Eventually Woman comes to learn that Man has a proclivity to abuse those closest to him. Whether we’re talking physically, verbally, emotionally – it’s all abuse. Woman’s friends and relatives tell her to split for her safety and/or sanity. Instead, Woman lashes out at concerned friends and relatives and insists on staying in abusive relationship. Woman fears being alone, fears being financially independent, and fears the abuse is deserved.

We all know people trapped in varying degrees of unhealthy relationships that refuse to acknowledge that the jig is up and a change is needed. There are always excuses that someone trapped in scenarios such as this can make to justify staying in it longer than they should. Some of those excuses are legitimate, and some – not so much.

But the guy can be really nice…He pays for everything…Where would I find a job to support myself?...He wasn’t always like this…I can be too demanding and unappreciative of what he does for me…Other couples have problems like this too…I can make this work…We just need a fresh start.

Human beings are able to convince themselves of anything.

When you are dating someone who turns out to be abusive, you can walk away. But after certain points in a relationship, namely marriage and having children, the ability to leave, the simplicity of just cutting all ties, becomes understandably (and appropriately) more complicated. Divorce and custody battles are the familial revolutions a spouse escaping abuse must be willing to pursue if they (and their kids) are to have any chance at real freedom, peace, and prosperity.

But divorce and custody battles are the last option anyone wants to pursue. Those things may in fact be necessary, but they are not desirable. They are devastating and painful, and require a great deal of courage and emotional fortitude. They are points of “No Return.”

If such traumatic events could have been avoided, anyone who has lived through them would have done anything to do so.

America: we have that chance right now.

The relationship between the citizen and the type of government envisioned by President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid is an abusive one. It is an unhealthy one. It is a disastrous one. It is soul-destroying and economy-crippling. Continue reading

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