
Abortion is alive and well within Obamacare. Just more Demosocialistacrat lies!

How does President Obama celebrate "International Women's Day?" By leading the effort to pass the most pro-abortion health care plan in U.S. history. With billions set aside for groups like Planned Parenthood, the President's latest bill would trick Americans into funding a procedure that victimizes women and robs them of the physical and mental well-being this legislation promised to advance. Even today, as the abortion industry makes room for a massive influx of federal dollars, the Left's leadership still refuses to admit that such a deal exists. As it has in the past, FRC Action compiled a list of eight new reasons.

ObamaCare: Making Life Difficult

Family Research Coucil

1. The legislation specifically includes it. The President's bill to amend the Senate bill leaves several abortion provisions in place. In Section 130, the legislation allows tax credit subsidies for plans that include abortion and leaves the abortion surcharge in place. It maintains the proposal to create a multi-state plan that includes abortion in Sec. 1334. Even worse, it would increase the Senate bill funding from $7 billion to $11 billion for community health centers in Sec. 10503 without any abortion restrictions. (H.R. 3590, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.)

2. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said it is. "And I would say that the Senate language, which was negotiated by Senators Barbara Boxer and Patty Murray...take a big step forward from where the House left it with the Stupak amendment, and I think do a good job making sure there are choices for women...That would be an accounting procedure, but everybody in the exchange would do the same thing, whether you're male or female, whether you're 75 or 25, you would all set aside a portion of your premium that would go into a fund." (Sebelius: Everyone will pay into abortion-coverage fund.)

3. Senate Democrats refused to ban it. Instead of allowing for an up-or-down vote on a Senate amendment similar to the House's Stupak amendment, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) "tabled" the amendment, effectively killing it. (Vote No. 369 S.Amdt. 2962 to S.Amdt. 2786 to H.R. 3590)

4. House pro-life Democrats, even those who support the so-called reform effort, say it is. "The Senate language is a significant departure from current law and is unacceptable." (House Representative Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), February 23, 2010, CBS News) "I think abortion's wrong. The problem is that I've lived too long. When they say they can keep this money separate, I just don't believe it." (House Representative Marion Berry (D-Ark.), March 6, 2010, Arkansas News.)

5. House pro-abortion Democrats say it is. "The good news is that the Senate bill does allow [abortion coverage]." (Rep. Dianne DeGette (D-Colo.), March 5, 2010, Washington Post )

6. The abortion industry sent out alerts in favor of it. The abortion giant Planned Parenthood sent an email to supporters on March 6, 2010 , which said, "President Obama's health care reform... significantly increase access to reproductive health care." (Planned Parenthood alert, March 6, 2010.)

7. Candidate Obama said it would be included, and the Obama administration includes it in its definition of reproductive health care. Presidential candidate Barack Obama stated he "believes that reproductive health care is basic health care." (Rhrealitycheck.org questionnaire, 2008.) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton followed up on this in 2009: "Reproductive health care includes access to abortion." (Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, April 22, House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing)

8. House Democratic Majority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) has indicated that he wants to fix the abortion coverage problem in the Senate bill. "House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Thursday that lawmakers could draft separate pieces of legislation with abortion language to earn the support of anti-abortion rights Democrats on healthcare reform legislation." (March 4, 2010, The Hill)
Tags: abortion, Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, Right to life To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Ron Russell said...

I have no doubt that the Senate bill and to a lesser extent the House bill contains language favorable to those that favor abortion on demand. Obama and his gang can say they don't until they turn blue in the face, but then what person with any sense believes them anymore!

PatriotUSA said...

There are those who still believe that this is what is best for the country, this health care debacle.
I will be posting another article
on abortion aimed at Planned
Parenthood, is I can remember
where I read it. Just recall the
one's voting record on abortion.
Why would Obamacare be any different?